U.S. Nonfarm payroll - How to trade the news?


The investors expect consolidation trading in the European session today till 13:30 GMT. In this first Friday of the month is expecting the key U.S. Nonfarm Payrolls reports. For the government sector is expecting report at about 190K compare with 151K a month ago. For the private sector the report is expecting at 180K compare with 158K a month ago.
* expects positive news for U.S. Nonfarm payrolls. The market already generated the positive news as reports below 190K may cause negative reactions and sell of dollars.
It is not expecting changes in Unemployment rate at 4.9% the same as the prior month.
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I don't. I just wait for the initial volatility to end and if there's a clear direction of the market when that happens I open a suitable position.
I don't trade NFPR's - I'm an EOD forex trader only but I do sometimes have to close positions that might be sensitive to NFPR's or which leave me over-committed to bull or bear side. I do this during the morning before the release. Its not that I'm afraid of a dramatic reversal (NFPR days' candlesticks are usually hard to pick out after the event) its that the volatility and wider spreads has in the past sometimes taken out good with-trend positions that continued to trend-follow for weeks after the hullaballoo had died down in the NFPR afternoon.

I blame the daytraders. And they should only blame themselves.
Are NFPR's only good for day traders? Or is it sometimes useful to factor them into your strategy if you are going long? After the NFPR on Friday I was left completely unsure whether the dollar would rise or fall even with the report in front of me can anyone explain what stats within the report are the best indicators of a potential rise in the dollar?
Interesting that you should mention this. I just added something about it to my book, with regard to changes in stride:

Perhaps the most frequently missed messages have to do with changes in stride, whether they become more acute, leading to climaxes of one sort or another, or more obtuse, leading to ranges or hinges. The following chart displays an equally common pattern similar to that of the progress of a drunken sailor: (below)

There is a perception not only among amateurs but also among quite a few professionals that the professionals have a real handle on what’s going on and that they therefore act in concert to move price. Like a boys’ club. But the action on this day is typical. The Money doesn’t have any better handle on all this than anyone else. The chief difference is that The Money has the wherewithal to actually move price. The best the amateur can do is detect these movements, these changes in stride, and hitchhike his way through the session.


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The NFP numbers may help the Dollar in the long run, because another great reading could support another rate hike.