Typical newbie question....


Active member
Hi Folks,

OK, I have read all I can/want on the subject, have opened an account with Finspreads and am going to trade a few pence a point for a while. I will probably trade the DOW indeces to start, may be the FTSE too.

I have been looking at the FT.com and Big Charts.com charts which i am told are about 15 minutes `behind` is ther any way to reduce that 15 mins delay without having to pay???
Or if I have to pay for some sort of live feed, where can I get it for the best deal/prices?

Also, assuming I have to stick with FT or BC, i have read somewhere that there is a piece of software that allows your browser to be constantly refreshed without you having to keep hitting refresh, Any ideas whether this is correct.

Are there any orther sites companies software you would recommend?

Thanks in advance.

I use advfn.com.

real-time data - free.

you can pay extra for extras - I dont have any need.
imho, your best bet for USA inices and equities is Yahoo. Costs about £6 per month for realtime feed.

Hope this helps

Encantador said:
Hi Folks,

OK, I have read all I can/want on the subject, have opened an account with Finspreads and am going to trade a few pence a point for a while. I will probably trade the DOW indeces to start, may be the FTSE too.

I have been looking at the FT.com and Big Charts.com charts which i am told are about 15 minutes `behind` is ther any way to reduce that 15 mins delay without having to pay???
Or if I have to pay for some sort of live feed, where can I get it for the best deal/prices?

Also, assuming I have to stick with FT or BC, i have read somewhere that there is a piece of software that allows your browser to be constantly refreshed without you having to keep hitting refresh, Any ideas whether this is correct.

Are there any orther sites companies software you would recommend?

Thanks in advance.


Thanks trendie, it seems that only FTSE is FREE, is that how you read it or have I missed something.

try: www.livecharts.co.uk
its quite good and free.
My advice to you would be to "paper trade" or very small stakes until you get your strategies right. Concentrate on a few indices and learn about them. For example Dow is a "beast" and can take big bites. Concentrate on Snp500 roughly 1 point on the snp500 eqals 10 points on the dow.
Thanks Zarif,

I have been paper trading on Tradindex.com.

There is so much information out there it`s difficult to know what is and what`s not worth studying. The terminology is also a bit baffling at the moment.

Some of the replies here suggest trading something else instead of spread trading but I have no idea what they are talking about.

Thanks again.

Encantador said:
OK, I have read all I can/want on the subject, have opened an account with Finspreads and am going to trade a few pence a point for a while. I will probably trade the DOW indeces to start, may be the FTSE too.

I have been looking at the FT.com and Big Charts.com charts which i am told are about 15 minutes `behind` is ther any way to reduce that 15 mins delay without having to pay???
Or if I have to pay for some sort of live feed, where can I get it for the best deal/prices?

If you just spreadbet the Daily dow,there is no delay on the Dow Jones index chart at Bigcharts.com the ticker is indu .There is a delay on the shares though and Ftse Index, ticker 1805550.The only problem is that you have to keep refreshing the page or push draw chart to be updated.

avant browser will auto refresh it's free to download

auto refresh is from the navigation tab

hope this helps