TSCTrader - Looking for test users


Hi everyone,

We're currently looking for users to trial our new futures trading platform, TSC Trader.

TSC Trader gives trades the ability to place, modify and delete orders quickly from charts as well as give breakdowns of indices and other visual tools.
In the trial, all orders will be against a simulated exchange, so no money is at risk.

We want traders of all experiences and all products to give feedback on our platform as well as suggest ideas of new features and how we can improve current ones.
For more information and to download TSC Trader, please visit TSC Trader or PM me for more details.

Thanks, and I look forward to hearing your feedback.
Here is a screenshot of TSC Trader with the FTSE100 future. As you can see, you can place orders via the chart and modify their price by dragging them.

The chart is fully customisable, with both zoom on the x and y axis as well as a range of indicators, such as volume at price and market depth on book.

Is there/will there be an api? What are the computation times? CME certification?

Hi lltrader,

TSC Trader is aimed at technical traders/scalpers with the ability to place and manipulate orders quickly through charts, and not for the algorithmic trading space so we currently have no plans for an API.

We are looking for users to test the User Interface of TSC Trader with the view of offering feedback and to generate new ideas.
