TS2000i on a stick?


Well-known member
Hi all,

after having sucessfully installed Amibroker on an USB stick, I wonder if anybody has done the same with TS2000i, Metastock or MTP.

Thanks for the replies and kind regards

It's reportedly possible to run Windows XP from a USB stick using Bart's Pre-Installed Environment. This might provide a solution for 2000i on a stick.

I manage to install nearly every trading soft for a USB stick, excepto tradestation, for some reason there is something that doesnt work, in TS8 is impossible in TS 2000 I I have to try again
I manage to install nearly every trading soft for a USB stick, excepto tradestation, for some reason there is something that doesnt work, in TS8 is impossible in TS 2000 I I have to try again

Yes, give it a go, please!


didnt work, the virtualization is correct, the problem is that when you start the soft refuses to start up, the global server states that cannot find the symbol list, ill work a little more to see if I can get that error to go away. The other issue is that size would be slighlty over 120 mb
using bartpe require plugins for metastock, ts etc. anyone knows how to create or downlaod these plugins for them to run on stick?