TS 8 data question


Hi all
I am considering opening an account with TS. I have heard lots of terrible stories regarding their brokerage service side. However, I thought that if I divert some of my easy, slower, futures trades (10 round trips a month) I could have a nice platform virtually for free.
Now, I have already had a taste of their infamous service (well, actually, even pre-sales service!!!). It is quite worrying. So I wonder if I will have a better “service” from the T2W community.
One of the many areas where I did not have a straight answer is related to data:
If I subscribe to , say, Globex real time data , I will have Globex real time data. (even the guys at TS where able to confirm this...!), but,
- Does this mean that I will also have access to Globex End of Day Data (continuous, spliced, single contracts, etc)?
- Can I export such data in ASCII or Metastock format ?
- Will I have access to other markets (say, CBOT) End of Day data even if I do not subscribe to the real time service for those markets ?
- What about intraday delayed data for those markets where one does not have a subscription to Real Time?

Any help and any comments on TS account will be appreciated.
Thank you
gretrade2 said:
Hi all, Does this mean that I will also have access to Globex End of Day Data (continuous, spliced, single contracts, etc)?
Hi, yes I subscribe to RT Globex and have EOD data too, although not sure about spliced data as I don't use it.
Can I export such data in ASCII or Metastock format ?
ASCII - yes, Metastock - no.
Will I have access to other markets (say, CBOT) End of Day data even if I do not subscribe to the real time service for those markets ?
What about intraday delayed data for those markets where one does not have a subscription to Real Time?
No, well not CBOT anyway as I've tried it.
gretrade2 said:
- Does this mean that I will also have access to Globex End of Day Data (continuous, spliced, single contracts, etc)?

yes - EOD daily data for any continuous contract that TS do - ie: @ES, @US, @YM etc, will be provided even if you dont subscribe to the exchange data.

If you are running a daily chart for these symbols, the chart does in fact update during the day, but its delayed data with an unspecified delay - probably 15-20 mins.

Unfortunately, TS's in house data provision does not currently let you display intraday data at the end of the day, or on a delayed basis, though you'd think they would if they provide that same data for daily charts intraday.
Thank you Arbitrageur.
I appreciate the explanation, but now you got me a bit confused.
First : “any continuous contract that TS do”: does this mean “any US futures contract” or “any US electronic futures contract(those you can access directly through their brokerage arm)”. If I look at their data subscription, one can subscribe to, say, CBOT and NYBOT exchanges (all contracts) . So arguably they “do” all.
Second: I am not quite sure what you mean in your last paragraph. So I have EOD for all futures TS do, and I can export it in ASCII format. I can see delayed updates for these futures as they unfold during the day, but I cannot then see nor export them once the day is over?
Thank you again.
i meant that TS dont do continuous @ contracts for every futures market, just the popular markets.. i dont know whether this will have much bearing on EOD data since I used TS for intraday and only had a few daily charts up. I'd imagine EOD daily bar data would go back all the way to whenever for all markets, since it wouldnt be much use having daily bars for the three months a contract is at the front month.