Triple Screen System


Active member
Have anybody traded triple screen system or some kind of its version?
You know,one which was made by Dr. Elder...
Basically i like it because it is logical.I have made some small modifications so soon it is going to be tested for 6 months or so.
But right now i am just curios to check out dose anyone have experience whit this system.
I loosely follow this system for my day trading. 2 charts, 1 to identify trend or range, the other shorther chart for entries. Been good to me so far!
Maybe you'd like to get your 'sticky hands' on the 3 Ducks trading system discussed in the Forex Strategies forum. It uses indicators on 3 times frames, albeit not the ones Elder uses in the book. IMO, the concept is more imnportant than the specific indicators. Take a look 👍
Elder's triple time frame/screen approach is very sound. Basically he looks to identify set-ups on his intermediate time frame into the trend on the higher time frame, with entries timed on the trigger time frame. He uses a factor of x5 (or as near to commonly traded time frames) for each t/f so that if the intermediate time frame is 1hr then the higher/trend time frame is 4hr and you would look to fine tune entries on the trigger time frame, in this case the 15min. Elder himself works on the longer time frames with the Daily as his intermediate time frame from what I can remember.

Looking for entries to your higher/trend time frame at areas of previous resistance that may act as support on a pullback from the topside in an uptrend (rbs) or conversely areas of previous support that may act as resistance on a pullback from the underside in a downtrend (sbr) with the entry fine tuned/timed on your trigger time frame is a sound trading approach.

Adding in fibs will enable you to seek out the confluence of these potential sbr/rbs areas with fibs of the move for potentially greater probability set-ups. Oscillators will also enable you to see hidden/reverse divergence on your intermediate time frame along with regular divergence/extremes on your trigger time frame at such areas which too should help you to fine tune the entry.
Gumping say:

Maybe you'd like to get your 'sticky hands' on the 3 Ducks trading system discussed in the Forex Strategies forum...

I know for 3 cute duckies for some time and i love them.I have downloaded e-book from Captain C.
Now must check "rules and tools" of system,write them down and test them also for 6 months or so.
Only bad thing about systems which are using 3 screens is that i cant back test them using all 3 screens😕
Other words i can not figure it out how to use all 3 time frames in "candle by candle" back testing.

BBMAC,thanx man🙂Good stuff!

Does anyone know of a good charting package for screening shares/fx where you have 2 or 3 different chart set ups. i.e where I can flick though different shares but keep the same setup on each chart.

I every time I look up each market I have to set up my chart properties and it makes screening a lengthy process
pro real time is good for that, you can have as many different charts up at any one time as the spees of your PC lets you.
You can find HERE excellent presentation of adjusted Elders triple screen in form on short seminar.This guy is using it to trade FX and i must say that this one is mine major candidate for testing/trading it.
I hope that admins wont be mad because of link.It is not some spam i promise😀
It's good presentation, thx for posting it.

I tend to use classic peak/trough analysis to determine the trend on the higher / trend time frame ie HH & HL in an uptrend LL and LH in a downtrend...(I notice James Chen uses moving averages and a rough visualistaion of the price action to determine his trend.)

In identifying where a pullback may end and proceed to turn back 'with trend,' ... I have a filter that in re-entering the trend (that exists on the higher/trend time frame,.. howsoever measured/identified) at that pullback , the macd histogram must still be above it's axis on that higher/trend t/f in an uptrend and below in a downtrend. This pullback will also be showing hidden/reverse divergence in the intermediate t/f oscillators (James Chen looks for oversold stochastics turning up in an uptrend and overbought in a downtrend turning down, on the intermediate t/f.)

In timing the entry on the trigger/shorter t/f James Chen uses a 'trailing entry' technique as the intermediate stochastics are turning which is very valid, ...Hereto, I personally look for regular divergence or extreme readings on the shorter/trigger t/f oscillators, as the intermediate t/f oscillators are showing hidden/reverse divergence.

To ensure that you are acting at the highest probability set-ups you can also seek to identify that the pullback is at an area of previous support on the higher/trend t/f, in it's downtrend, or an area of previous resistance on that higher/trend t/f, in it's uptrend. This technical phenomenon of support becomes resistance -and- conversly, resistance becomes support is a very useful extra filter and increases the overall probability of the set-ups.

You can even go a step further by ensuring that the trend exists on the time frame up from your higher/trend t/f too, in this way you are entering a trend that exists on at least the next 2 time frames up from your intermediate chart, thereby making it a potentially stronger trend.
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Thanx,BB good post!Damn thing wont let me to give you reputation,spread it further it says🙂
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