Trigger block?


Active member
Occassionally I see a really strong set-up, and for some reason just can't put the trade on, when I should also put on extra lots!

I've had this happen a few times where I sit back and then watch a great rally or the market tanks, as I predicted, and I miss out on 1000s, when I only had to take a small risk!

Does anyone understand this, and how to move beyond? Is it just practice, or a case of doing it once to break the ice, so that then I can start to develop this profit habit?

I already plan to see my coach for some hypnotherapy, so I'd appreciate feedback on that and any other similar suggestions.

What I'd really like to hear is how any similar sufferers beat this issue - SO, if you have not had this issue and beat it, or don't have anything to say about hypno or NLP (whatever), please don't post, I'll look for more general advice on the other threads.
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