Treasuries suffer pre-employment report


Well-known member
April 1st, 2010

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Treasuries suffer pre-employment report

There were very few traders at work by afternoon trade so we will keep this short and sweet...

Bonds and notes gave back much of yesterday's rally as traders squared positions ahead of tomorrow's potential fiasco. The employment data itself makes for an exciting day, but the employment numbers on "Good Friday" complicate the situation tremendously. The open outcry pits will be closed, but Treasuries will be trading electronically until 10:15 am Central.

We aren't going into tomorrow with any expectations, and those trading short options with us were recommended to get flat yesterday. However, we would likely consider being bullish should bond futures drop to the mid 114's. In the meantime, resistance can be found at 116'26ish.

Enjoy the holiday weekend!

* Due to time constraints and our fiduciary duty to put clients first, the charts provided in this newsletter may not reflect the current session data. However, market analysis and commentary does. Charts provided by Track 'n Trade, Gecko software.

**Seasonality is already be factored into current prices, any references to such does not indicate future market action.

Treasury Bond and Note Option Trading Recommendations
**There is unlimited risk in naked option selling.

March 25 - Clients were advised to sell the June 110 puts in the 30 year bond for 24/25 ticks.

March 31 - Clients were recommended to buy back the 110 puts for 11 to lock in a profit of about $200 before transaction costs per contract.

Treasury Bond and Note Futures Trading Recommendations
**There is unlimited risk in trading futures.


Carley Garner
Senior Analyst / Commodity Broker
DeCarley Trading
[email protected]
Local : 702-947-0701

*Due to the volatile nature of the futures markets some information and charts in this report may not be timely.

There is substantial risk of loss in trading futures and options.

Past performance is not indicative of future results. The information and data in this report were obtained from sources considered reliable. Their accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed and the giving of the same is not to be deemed as an offer or solicitation on our part with respect to the sale or purchase of any securities or commodities. Any decision to purchase or sell as a result of the opinions expressed in this report will be the full responsibility of the person authorizing such transaction.