Trading whilst on holiday


Active member
I'm currently in Barbados on holiday; I've been here since the end of December. I had this silly idea about continuing to day trade here so I brought my router and laptop with me. My netgear router works fine, just needed to be re-configured.

I trade the Dax and the YM and I must admit I haven't been watching live charts that much. I got up at 4am one morning (8am UK time) to watch the Dax, but it was sideways so I went back to bed.

On Friday I got up at 7am here (11am UK time) and saw a lovely Dax short so I took it and got +26 pips. I then went to the beach. When I came back the markets were closed but I realised I missed a lovely short on the YM too.

Has anyone else been foolish enough to trade whilst on holiday?

I hear its a bit cold in UK at the moment, but I must admit I'm getting fed up with the mosquito bites.
Befote I got married, this was normal for me, to make holidays only there, where I had a connection to the markets 🙂

Now with kids, the deal is: I may trade under one condition 🙂 Family chooses what we do and if we make plans, we do it, regardless of the market 😀
I'd like to do something like this but perhaps travel somewhere east-wards where I could trade London hours in the afternoon </lazy bum>
I went to Barbados last year - it was fantastic. If I had told my girlfriend I didn't want to spend time with her because of trading she'd have quite rightly dropped me like a hot brick. Get some time away dude. Chill out. Go for a nice dinner, walk along the beach, whatever. I love my job, I really do, but it'll be there when you get back. Live every moment properly.

Just my $0.02


You're probably right. Left my girlfriend at home this time, so I've been able to talk to her on Skype. My last full day today so I'm out partying tonight. The US session will be opening soon, so I'll watch to see if anything develops worthwhile, then head off out.
I went to Barbados last year - it was fantastic. If I had told my girlfriend I didn't want to spend time with her because of trading she'd have quite rightly dropped me like a hot brick. Get some time away dude. Chill out. Go for a nice dinner, walk along the beach, whatever. I love my job, I really do, but it'll be there when you get back. Live every moment properly.

Just my $0.02


Gotta go with GJ here. Just not worth it takin yer tradin with you on hols.
Horrible, just horrible. Turns your holiday into "work"....😉

Konfooshius sey.......
"time an place for everything in life"


You're just not getting it are you. Leave CNBC at home, bring the girlfriend with ya. Jeez.

Oh well, I guess you're gonna do what you're gonna do. Enjoy. 😉


Good advice GJ.

Last time I went to the West Indies it rained for 6 days, then I wished I had brought my putor!


Pull the plug on the laptop and get into the Caribbean spirit.:clap:👍
Get some time away dude. Chill out. Go for a nice dinner, walk along the beach, whatever. I love my job, I really do, but it'll be there when you get back. Live every moment properly.


Exactly right GJ.

I've just returned from some 'winter sun' and I did once think ~ ah !! wi-fi in the hotel room, wish I'd brought the laptop. That thought lasted all of 5 seconds and I quickly regained my senses ( NOT by a smack on head by head office either !! )

There were guys around the pool who could not relax as their Blackberries were beeping every 10 minutes ~ SAD 😆

Live each day as if it was your last.....
Is their anything stopping someone going travelling around the world but still trading the markets with thier laptop
Is their anything stopping someone going travelling around the world but still trading the markets with thier laptop

Nothing whatsoever.

One of the many reasons I'm in the game.

Not going to endure another winter of cr4p weather and even worse forecasting......
Is their anything stopping someone going travelling around the world but still trading the markets with thier laptop

Tax situation could get messy. Also, you need access to an internet connection, though that is becoming less of an issue these days - you can get internet almost anywhere.
fifty2aces ~Tax situation could get messy.

I have English friends on 'permanent' holiday in Majorca and France and they have no worries about the tax situation. 😉
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oh, IN the game, I had a double take, had to take a check there for a minute, i thought you'd gone back to your old way of making a living :cheesy:

i know it's easy money, but with your bad back these days .............

Easy money ~ you're right.

Footy closes at 4:30, so I've plenty of time to get my glad rags on and get out there where the action is.....

Re-arrange to make coherent:

As Dressed Mutton Lamb 😢