Trading the FTSE - Spreadbetting


Hi all!

Failry new to this game...
I am planning on using St Patricks day in Ireland as an opportunity to trade the FTSE100 from 8am till 4.30pm - I have a fairly weak trading plan -
My question is- what paramaters should I use for the MACD and RSI - as well as moving averages from the technical analysis point of view...
Are there any fundamentals that could affect my position? Company annoucements/results?
I'm currently seeing that that after this weeks rally that signs are good- but am sure there will be profit taking between now and my day off...
I am planning on both taking a singular position from open to close and also possibly swinging in and out in order to take advantage of long and short usage with Spreadbetting

Any advice would be welcome...
if you've never day traded before you'll probably lose you know!

I understand the risks alright in general- except this is a Risk Free trade day- min that the SB company absorb the losses and I get to keep the profits - so am just wanting to hear advice on what news/annoucements may have an effect either a long or short position....
also as to what length MA that would be best....