Trading system for sale. £100.

Cycle Finder

I've been searching for viable charting program's and associated educational material for the past 12 years, the idea was that I would look until I found something special, I mean something that works, as opposed to the usual crap. I found something, and I've put it together with the other usable information I've collected and built a trading system around it. I've set-up a chart album at Fotki to show how the system performs.

I'm looking for £1,000 for sharing it. In return, whoever supplies the cash will be given the knowledge required to create an identical trading system for their own use. I'm only selling the information required to discover and set-up the system, not the actual system itself, which is really an amalgam of software and education packages that I've collected over 12 years. I have a few options that I would be willing to look at if there are any interested parties, namely, if anyone is interested they could send £100 via Western Union. As each £100 comes in I would post an update on Fotki showing the progress. When the balance reaches £1,000 I will delete the chart album and the sale is over.

1. I'm willing to send out the system buy/sell signals by email until they have either generated £100 via your trading account, or you are satisfied that the system is viable.

2. If for example 4 got together at £25 each, I would send the system buy/sell signals via email to someone nominated by the group until that person managed to generate £100, or until everyone is satisfied that the system is viable.

3. Send £1,000 via Western Union.

4. Any combination of the above.

With that done, I will pass on the information that will enable setting up the system(incl all optimised indicator parameters) on your own computers.

The software that the system functions off of will cost £50/month thereafter, including free Futures/Forex live streaming quotes, free data-feed and no exchange fee's(U.S. only), along with a user-friendly order-entry trading platform, DOM2, trailing stops etc.. (I will receive no recompense from the software owner).

To demonstrate the robustness of the system, I traded the signals via a SmartLiveMarkets 'demo' spread-betting account between the 16th-29th September. The system produced 17 winning trades in a row. The trade log has been posted on Fotki but I can email it if anyone wants to see the native file.

Trading system chart examples here; Green Line Crossover Charts album | Cycle-Finder |, photo and video sharing made easy.

Tom Williams Volume freebie here; TOM Williams THE UNDECLARED SECRETS THAT DRIVE THE STOCK MARKET pdf - Free Download from rapidshare -

As with anything of this nature, no guarantee's come with the system.

I'd be happy to answer any sensible questions, or please send enquiries to; [email protected]

Best regards;
Cycle Finder.
To demonstrate the robustness of the system, I traded the signals via a SmartLiveMarkets 'demo' spread-betting account between the 16th-29th September. The system produced 17 winning trades in a row.

You proved its robustness by trading it for 11 days on a demo account? If you dont believe in it why should someone else fork out money for it?
By virtue of the fact that you demo traded it rather than putting £50k up to trade it. Sure, you don't have £50k. You could borrow it from the bank after showing them that it works because... well... it works. Just saying, so don't bite my head off.
Maybe it's a good idea to test it first (before you start with the sales)

You can PM the system to me - I would test it for free.
I have a better deal. Pay me in installations £100 a time via Western Union and I'll test it.
So you're saying I should borrow £50,000 from a bank so someone will give me £100 for my system ?
No, I'm saying you should borrow £50k from a bank and trade it to £1m and not bother selling it if it's that good.
Hey guys! Just saw this thread and thought I'd thow my 2-bit ea in for sale also. It demo trades well. Ignore the negative draw down figure, it only happened once during the 3 day testing. Make offer, I have plenty of them to sell.

It seems to me that there are lot of assumptions being made here. pboyle assumes I don't believe in my system, that I haven't traded it with my own money, and because I wouldn't trade it for more than a few days, that I couldn't trade it. You assume I am only offering my system for sale because I need money ...and bedsit assumes I have a sense of humour.

So far bedsits' the only one that got it right.

It might be worth considering the possibility that I have nothing to prove here. That I have made the required effort and that's all there is to do.

Good trading to you all.
It seems to me that there are lot of assumptions being made here. pboyle assumes I don't believe in my system, that I haven't traded it with my own money, and because I wouldn't trade it for more than a few days, that I couldn't trade it. You assume I am only offering my system for sale because I need money ...and bedsit assumes I have a sense of humour.

So far bedsits' the only one that got it right.

It might be worth considering the possibility that I have nothing to prove here. That I have made the required effort and that's all there is to do.

Good trading to you all.

You seem to assume that all on here are idiots.
It might be worth considering the possibility that I have nothing to prove here. That I have made the required effort and that's all there is to do.

Well, if you're selling a system, you have everything to prove here. That's why nobody believes you.

Good luck!

PS I say everything, I don't mean everything. We don't need photos. I am certain I have the smallest one here anyway.
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