Trading seminars - advice needed



Advice needed for someone starting out in forex trading. I've been invited to a forex seminar by a company called Knowledge to Action. I'm assuming they are going to tell me all the great things about trading forex and about the copious amounts of money I can earn. However, in order for them to reveal a little more, I would need to sign up and pay them a relatively large amount of money to spend some time with a team of traders for a while.

Now, would this money spent be worthwhile, or could I get the same info from other, less expensive sources. Also does anyone have any experiences of Knowledge to Action?



Advice needed for someone starting out in forex trading. I've been invited to a forex seminar by a company called Knowledge to Action. I'm assuming they are going to tell me all the great things about trading forex and about the copious amounts of money I can earn. However, in order for them to reveal a little more, I would need to sign up and pay them a relatively large amount of money to spend some time with a team of traders for a while.

Now, would this money spent be worthwhile, or could I get the same info from other, less expensive sources. Also does anyone have any experiences of Knowledge to Action?



type in the words "Knowledge to Action con into google".
Most seminars in the FX world are rubbish.

Advice needed for someone starting out in forex trading. I've been invited to a forex seminar by a company called Knowledge to Action. I'm assuming they are going to tell me all the great things about trading forex and about the copious amounts of money I can earn. However, in order for them to reveal a little more, I would need to sign up and pay them a relatively large amount of money to spend some time with a team of traders for a while.

Now, would this money spent be worthwhile, or could I get the same info from other, less expensive sources. Also does anyone have any experiences of Knowledge to Action?



Under no circumstances sign up with them. It will be a complete waste of money. They are very well known and have used legal action to stop former customers exposing them. If you get involved in any of these schemes you will regret it.
Hi, thornyes
I will echo pboyles comment above. Anyone who offers you an east route to trading may be not as honest as you would like.
It is difficult for new traders to separate the good from the bad and ugly. So i recommend Trade with Precision. They are a straightforward company with a good rep. Check out the posts on here and on the net. I have a friend who has signed up with them and had training recently. Good course structure, good money management etc lots of support.

If you decide to take a course, always google for reviews, there are plenty on the net. Remember, the money you could lose is cost of course, any software you buy and money you will lose trading. you have lots to think about!
Avoid all of them. Every single one. Without exception.

Agree 100%. At the present time, trying to trade forex, profitably, is like trying to nail jelly to a wall. I've been trading for more than 10 years and can't remember tougher conditions than those that exist at the present time.

All these trading course shysters have no more idea, than the rest of us, as to where markets are heading next. We are in an "account blowing" climate and could stay here for many a long month.
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Ditto what everyone said about the high priced seminars.Avoid them, they are a waste of money. If you want to test your feet in forex, get a free demo account from any of the reputable forex brokers and practice, practice practice. You'll get a good sense of what skills you need to work on. Forex is tough but it can be rewarding once you get through the steep learning curve.
Forex trading requires knowledge, understanding technical analysis and much self-discipline.
Those who know the Forex and have already accumulated experience can make a lot of money but high leverage and risk.

Before sign up a course you should read books about Forex to acquire a basic understanding. A good book will give you the tools to decide whether Forex trading interests you.

If you want I will recommend you for a few books on Forex.
You have the option to connect the Software that gives buy and sell Signals but we'll talk about that another time.

Good luck

Now, would this money spent be worthwhile, or could I get the same info from other, less expensive sources. Also does anyone have any experiences of Knowledge to Action?

I have experience of knowledge to action or "trader's university". They will claim that its very easy if you follow their proprietary trading methods which look amazing when you see historic charts where they work. Its when you leave them after two days of being taught what head and shoulders/double tops or bottoms etc etc that you realise that their systems have no substance whatsoever. They will then want to sell you a masters course etc for 10k after your initial 2k.
Nothing in this 2k will give you any more that John J Murphy's book will give you, in fact the book gives so much more.

They claim that after the course you will be mentored by real traders, at their offices etc etc. You wont be mentored, you will go through an hour of the same rubbish, over skype with someone who will provide you absolutely nothing.

Please don't go near them.
Save your money for when you open your live trading other words, expect some losses when forex trading 🙂 There are many great resources available right here at your fingertips. I started with a demo account in and it was a perfect introduction to forex trading and learning the platform of MT4. Welcome and good luck!
Save your money for when you open your live trading other words, expect some losses when forex trading 🙂 There are many great resources available right here at your fingertips. I started with a demo account in and it was a perfect introduction to forex trading and learning the platform of MT4. Welcome and good luck!

In the start a Demo trade is always better than real trading for the simple reason that most of the times we have no knowledge and so loss will only be in virtual money but the learning's will be real 🙂