Trading overnight gappers and early range breakouts


Junior member
Does anyone else here focus on trading stocks that have gapped overnight? I trade the first 20min/30min range breakouts and gap fillers and reversals. From Pre-market analysis I'll have 10 to 15 stocks that have gapped up or down which have good volume, price between 20 and 80 and are movers. Most won't trend, maybe 3 or 4 do, wait for my patterns, in and out within 20 mins max. By 11.30 max am wrapped up for the day, lots of time to do more interesting things.

If there are others out there who trade the same it would be nice to compare daily stock selections and trades.
I've been trading the gappers/open recently, I'll post my list monday morning to see if we agree.
Does anyone else here focus on trading stocks that have gapped overnight? I trade the first 20min/30min range breakouts and gap fillers and reversals. From Pre-market analysis I'll have 10 to 15 stocks that have gapped up or down which have good volume, price between 20 and 80 and are movers. Most won't trend, maybe 3 or 4 do, wait for my patterns, in and out within 20 mins max. By 11.30 max am wrapped up for the day, lots of time to do more interesting things.

If there are others out there who trade the same it would be nice to compare daily stock selections and trades.

hours suit so heres the question,

Q : where do you get your search list of gapped stocks/ possible trade list from

interested because your method and time suits me and life at moment, can only concentrate on trading 8-12.
Only have access to 2 sb firms at moment, no other software.
Does anyone else here focus on trading stocks that have gapped overnight? I trade the first 20min/30min range breakouts and gap fillers and reversals. From Pre-market analysis I'll have 10 to 15 stocks that have gapped up or down which have good volume, price between 20 and 80 and are movers. Most won't trend, maybe 3 or 4 do, wait for my patterns, in and out within 20 mins max. By 11.30 max am wrapped up for the day, lots of time to do more interesting things.

If there are others out there who trade the same it would be nice to compare daily stock selections and trades.

I trade this style. I dont really aim for the gappers so much as I have had a bit of bad luck with open reversals. I now focus on Early Day Breakouts for 20/30/60 timeframes. I would be very interested in swapping stock picks and discussing how and why you picked them. Also where did you learn this trading style?
Although I have just started, the appeal of this kind of strategy had already lured me in. I have a stock screening technique that also appears similar to yours (with the addition of up/downing past a previous high/low) and would be very interested in discussing the nuances of this system with you.
Does anyone else here focus on trading stocks that have gapped overnight? I trade the first 20min/30min range breakouts and gap fillers and reversals. From Pre-market analysis I'll have 10 to 15 stocks that have gapped up or down which have good volume, price between 20 and 80 and are movers. Most won't trend, maybe 3 or 4 do, wait for my patterns, in and out within 20 mins max. By 11.30 max am wrapped up for the day, lots of time to do more interesting things.

If there are others out there who trade the same it would be nice to compare daily stock selections and trades.

Yep I trade gappers.
I concentrate more on gappers which have gapped outside the previous day's range and similiar to yourself , pick those on good volume etc. You only need a few to trend and you can have a good profitable day.
Does anyone else here focus on trading stocks that have gapped overnight? I trade the first 20min/30min range breakouts and gap fillers and reversals. From Pre-market analysis I'll have 10 to 15 stocks that have gapped up or down which have good volume, price between 20 and 80 and are movers. Most won't trend, maybe 3 or 4 do, wait for my patterns, in and out within 20 mins max. By 11.30 max am wrapped up for the day, lots of time to do more interesting things.

If there are others out there who trade the same it would be nice to compare daily stock selections and trades.

I'm Just a new boy at this but have been trying to trade gappers on the ftse. I can find
web sites that help with finding gaps in US stock, but can't find help with UK. What do you use to do your pre-market analysis?
I trade Gappers, high volume and swing on belongs to FTSE, DJIA, NASDAQ and S&P 500 companies and all of them profitable. I may help you as I used to trade on US stock and UK stock.
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I've just started trading opening range reversal (NOT breakout) on FTSE100 index. Whereas conventional wisdom says follow the direction of the break-out after the first 30-60 minutes of trading, I have found that recently 7 times out of 10 its profitable to take the oppposite direction to the first 60 minutes of the FTSE.
I trade Gappers, high volume and swing on belongs to FTSE, DJIA, NASDAQ and S&P 500 companies and all of them profitable. I may help you as I used to trade on US stock and UK stock.

I'm looking for help in creating a watch list before the Ftse opens of good potential trades for trading early morning gap reversals. Do you just look at high vol stocks. Are there any web sites that show potential gappers? How do you create a watch list?

Many thanks
i've been papertrading ftse100 stocks using exactly this style with great success for the last 6 months; I've developed a few rules based soley on price action that i follow mechanically and have been amazed at how reliable this is. Shame it wasn't with real money..
well I'm close to being ready to make the transition to go live, and suddenly another issue has come up: many people have suggested that US stocks are "more reliable", "more cost efficient", "more accessible", more.. .. well everybody seems to be daytrading US and not UK stocks.
As this is in the US Equities section, am I right in assuming most of you are trading US stocks? Why? I really need to be sure that I'm not missing something important here. Presumably you've all got well about $25000 in your accounts to be able to trade US stocks?
And Eugene, you used to daytrade both US AND UK stocks? So it can be done then, I suppose with someone like IB? That way, you'd get 2 early morning sessions per day, double the money! (those are the times when the real money is made).

Hi brynno - I'm not sure of the main reason people focus on the US stocks either, though I do hear they are more volatile, which is important. But that's only good when you have a profitable system ready to go. They also get lots more trader-oriented comment and there are more mega-caps, which could keep spreads narrow. But there are exchange rate overheads.

Where does this $25k figure come from? Can you not spreadbet? - that would only require a fraction of this deposit. DMA is said to be an excellent route to the market, but I would have thought only for traders whose only or pimary income is from trading.
thanks for your reply,
sorry, I meant to say "well above 25000" of course; I'm referring to the minimum amount you are required to have in your account by US law in order to be able to day trade US stocks (more than 3 trades per week). If your balance falls below this figure you have to bring it straight back up again, or so I've been told. Apparently this doesn't apply in the UK or elsewhere.
Are US stocks really that much more volatile? At least as far as premarket gaps go, I've noticed they're very similar.
brynno - never heard of this minimum deposit regulation but its not my field. Don't know if they're really that volatile but I'm told so. Seems odd to me to trade US stocks but not own or any other nationality. For some people trading NY time is just better suited to their lives anyway. I guess someone will explain.
Pre market gappers

Does anyone else here focus on trading stocks that have gapped overnight? I trade the first 20min/30min range breakouts and gap fillers and reversals. From Pre-market analysis I'll have 10 to 15 stocks that have gapped up or down which have good volume, price between 20 and 80 and are movers. Most won't trend, maybe 3 or 4 do, wait for my patterns, in and out within 20 mins max. By 11.30 max am wrapped up for the day, lots of time to do more interesting things.

If there are others out there who trade the same it would be nice to compare daily stock selections and trades.

Hi, did you manage to find the pre market data for the ftse, it doesn't seem the uK has the same information scanners as the US. Could you point me in the right direction to find these charts. Thanks

thats where im at but farely new. Needing a little mentorship. But alot of my picks are decent movers. I would love some direction on your patterns if youd like to share. double up.

Does anyone else here focus on trading stocks that have gapped overnight? I trade the first 20min/30min range breakouts and gap fillers and reversals. From Pre-market analysis I'll have 10 to 15 stocks that have gapped up or down which have good volume, price between 20 and 80 and are movers. Most won't trend, maybe 3 or 4 do, wait for my patterns, in and out within 20 mins max. By 11.30 max am wrapped up for the day, lots of time to do more interesting things.

If there are others out there who trade the same it would be nice to compare daily stock selections and trades.
thats where im at but farely new. Needing a little mentorship. But alot of my picks are decent movers. I would love some direction on your patterns if youd like to share. double up.

I trade this same strategy what price range are you trading and some of the names youve traded recently? Do you not have a very high Accuracy Rate or is it your
PL Ratio that is low?