Trading on Ecstasy Pills.


Junior member
Trading can be stressful especially when you don't
know what your really doing. But it sure beats Slaving.

To relax me I like to listen to back ground music and sum times
suck on a fat one.
I don't mind if the fat one is green leaf or brown rock but obviously
Green is better.
The music must have continuity as well, Not pop music, music sets like this

and jinksy68 has lots of sets to chose from.

You can find your fav music on youtube but it helps if you know the
artist name or song names.
You can't search by humming out a tune yet.

The music takes my mind of the everyday crap and makes my trading more enjoyable.
Or maybe it is the green?
But seriously even when i am on forced cold turkey due the
market dynamics of the Green market the music does really help.

My trading style is designed to be colorful and less stressful
than all this crap they pump at you
(Waves, BBands, osolators, rsi ,momentum, support, resistance,
to me all that stuff just confuses the mind, clutters up your workspace
and takes your eyes of the ball.
The ball being the price action.
Attached are a few examples of what I mean by colorful and less stressful.

Now that I don't have to do any calculations anymore and can trade by colors
I have been thinking about moving to the Dam so I could trade on pure MDMA.
Well life's what you make it and i would chose happy color over calculated
stress everyday.
I never needed more that half a dove to get there in the past,
that's only about £2.50 pence a day (Dam rates). I can afford that.
I even have an apprentice who would luv to do it too but
unfortunately he also likes the LSD mushrooms which you can buy in the shops
in the Dam but they seem to really mess people up.
There just as bad as alcohol or the white line in my opinion.
Life destroying.

So there are many here in the forum, are any of you one step ahead of me?
Anyone have experience of trading on MDMA?
I suspect the week will seem a little shorter, would that mean
the weekend would seem longer?
I might be a bit hungry-er than usual come Friday.
Now that I think of it i might then have sleep the whole weekend.

If anyone has any experience of this i would luv to here about it.
The ups and the downs.
If not i will let you know how i get on, that's if I can
remember my login and password of course.
(will have to try and remember them to post this)

Anyway i hope your all happy, remember to always B+

I hope some of you are short the sp emini today.
Tripple your money day I think.



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