Trading Forums Herd Mentality


Experienced member
Herd mentality.

I don't really use other forums, but I've heard that they often have their own speciality markets or analysis.

Here on trade2win I find cable and FTSE the most popular markets with pinbars and head n shoulders the most commonly used piece of analysis.

ForexFactory I think is EURUSD and James16 price action?

Traderslab i think is e-minis and ?

Elitetrader oil and snp?

Any other forum members notice this or see a pattern emerge. Who are the people they look up to (forum legends).

Yes I'm bored.
A while ago I posted something about an application that would scour the Yahoo! finance message boards for activity on certain stocks, then watch the markets the next day... say, it would take a measurement of the number of times MSFT was discussed, and if a larger number of posts turned up it looked for correlations in MSFT Volume / volatility etc...

IIRC there were some (statistically significant) results... I think what it did was overlay the Mssgboard activity filter on an existing mechanical trading strategy and improved the results...

what I have noticed here is that not many people use Market Profile
Ah - yes read that post you made (ps cabble came off!).

Going to search for your thread again - it was a PDF file wasn't it.
Herd mentality.

I don't really use other forums, but I've heard that they often have their own speciality markets or analysis.

Here on trade2win I find cable and FTSE the most popular markets with pinbars and head n shoulders the most commonly used piece of analysis.

ForexFactory I think is EURUSD and James16 price action?

Traderslab i think is e-minis and ?

Elitetrader oil and snp?

Any other forum members notice this or see a pattern emerge. Who are the people they look up to (forum legends).

Yes I'm bored.

Yes, because nonsense begets nonsense, this is why.
Traders Lab has a heavy emphasis on Market Profile. With regard to herd mentality, it is the case that like goes to like but I don't think that we have any real leaders at T2W in terms of the herd then following them. There seems to be a wide variety of discussions covering almost all aspects of trading. What I have noticed more is that T2W is now the number one target for the latest promotion of any MT4 EA with loads of newbies all saying how great it is.
