Trading Day by Day - Chick Goslin - Book for Sale


This popular book for sale. Never read, so in new condition. Used copy on Amazon for just under £90. I have advertised my book on Amazon for £75 - will accept a reasonable offer above £50 (inc post and package to UK address). email [email protected]. Thanks
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You was robbed m8!!!
I think you'll struggle to find a buyer at that price. I bought my brand new copy via the t2w book shop / Global Investor for £42.00 inc. postage.
As I am finding through trading, you learn from your mistakes. I also found the book advertised at a further 10% discount at £36 plus £2 PP (sorry, can't remember where as I was getting more and more depressed 😢 ). In view of this, I'll accept £35 inc post and packaging. I'll also change it on Amazon.
sbullimore - where's the £35 on amazon? - i have just checked, not seeing it - i was recommended this book by a trader w/10+ years experience, he said best book he's read in years.. - if your saying you are getting depressed etc. if it's because of trading, perhaps reading this book might be helpful... in any case, pls let me know, all the best.
eureka said:
sbullimore - where's the £35 on amazon? - i have just checked, not seeing it - i was recommended this book by a trader w/10+ years experience, he said best book he's read in years.. - if your saying you are getting depressed etc. if it's because of trading, perhaps reading this book might be helpful... in any case, pls let me know, all the best.

The book has now sold through Amazon. I'm not getting depressed by trading, just how much I have paid for certain things, only to subsequently find they are cheaper.
sbullimore said:
The book has now sold through Amazon. I'm not getting depressed by trading, just how much I have paid for certain things, only to subsequently find they are cheaper.
If you have this much angst over that situation with one book - wait until you hit this in the markets....