Trading cable the old fashioned way.....

On the 4hour.
Look at this important support area.
Stay LONG unless this area is breached... if so SHORT


  • fx3.doc
    92.5 KB · Views: 428
Lets get a few things clear here.
Successful cable trading is VERY VERY hard. Its one of the most volatile markets on earth. It is notoriously UMPREDICTABLE.

Tech sometimes works like a dream, other times it seems like complete chaos.

Is it possible to use a bit of old school tech on this market...... yes its easy in hind-site.
Lets give it a go and see what happens.

Trend following techniques get cut to ribbons when the market ranges.

Range trading methods get annihilated when the market trends.

The only thing we can do is choose:

Range trade... and limit losses when the market trends. or:
Trend follow and limit losses when the market ranges.

This market just loves to 'breakout'. This makes using moving averages or other lagging indicators very difficult to use on any time scale.. I'm sure you have all experienced this.

Another problem: If we use breakout methods then we keep ending up at the top and the bottom of the range. Cut to ribbons. Breakout methods work in trends, not in ranges.

Whats a trader to do?
Triangles can be powerful formations in FX. What do you think to this one?

I'm going long on an up side break.
Neutral on a downside failure.

Lets see how it plays out..


  • fx4.doc
    95.5 KB · Views: 419
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In my browser, after I "manage attachments" and choose the file on my machine, I have to scroll well off the right hand side to *see* the upload button.

Yes I have a minimal size browser window going. Gotta have room for charts - don't cha know.

cable warrior

I dont think trading cable is VERY VERY HARD its just difficult and requires some hard work.

Cable Warrior,

Nice charts, but why do you chose to trade cable when its notorious for breakouts and volatility? I think other pairs such as eurodollar and the yen respect S/R levels more
tommog said:
Cable Warrior,

Nice charts, but why do you chose to trade cable when its notorious for breakouts and volatility? I think other pairs such as eurodollar and the yen respect S/R levels more

Hi tommog, I'm not answering your question directly because I'm guessing your are techy trader?...but from a fundamental perspective, trading cable can be an attractive surrogate for eur/usd because of the high correlation and different carry properties. Also, from an SB trading perspective, trading a USD view through cable can give you a greater pip move than EUR/USD (I know, its a weak point).

I've just written a piece on EUR/USD and cable on my blog...posting the chart here as it may be of interest:


i hope this works

: )
cable warrior said:
This market just loves to 'breakout'. This makes using moving averages or other lagging indicators very difficult to use on any time scale.. I'm sure you have all experienced this.

But at the point of the breakout it's trending surely ?? So MA's capture this.
This market moves can move very quickly. often by the time moving averages flash a buy signel, the move is all but over.
To illustrate the above point. Look at the aweful signals given by the 20 sma and 40 sma on this chart!!!


  • fx5.doc
    93 KB · Views: 248
I don't know if anybody has posted using the bunny cross method. With a little discretion I think it works well with cable...