I have various trading and related books for sale;
New Market Wizards by Jack schwager £6.00 P+P £3.50
The Natural Economist by Robert.H.Frank £3.00 P+P £1.50
-general interest.
Freakonomics by Steven.D.Levitt and Stephen.J.Dubner £3.50 P+P £1.50
-this is more about psychology/culture.
The Real Meaning of Money by Dorothy Rowe £4.00 P+P £3.00
-Psychology again.
Adventure Capitalist by Jim Rogers £6.00 P+P £3.00
Fooled By Randomness by Nassim Taleb £3.50 P+P £1.50
The Naked Trader by Robbie Burns £6.00 P+P £1.50
Trade Yor Way To Financial Freedom by Van Tharp £6.00 P+P £3.50
And lastly, the dvd 'Rogue Trader' the story of Nick leeson £3.00 P+P £0.80
If anyone wants more than one, there will be a combined postage discount.
I'd also take an offer for the job lot, and the P+P would then be £9.00
Great holiday reading😴
PM me if you are interested,
New Market Wizards by Jack schwager £6.00 P+P £3.50
The Natural Economist by Robert.H.Frank £3.00 P+P £1.50
-general interest.
Freakonomics by Steven.D.Levitt and Stephen.J.Dubner £3.50 P+P £1.50
-this is more about psychology/culture.
The Real Meaning of Money by Dorothy Rowe £4.00 P+P £3.00
-Psychology again.
Adventure Capitalist by Jim Rogers £6.00 P+P £3.00
Fooled By Randomness by Nassim Taleb £3.50 P+P £1.50
The Naked Trader by Robbie Burns £6.00 P+P £1.50
Trade Yor Way To Financial Freedom by Van Tharp £6.00 P+P £3.50
And lastly, the dvd 'Rogue Trader' the story of Nick leeson £3.00 P+P £0.80
If anyone wants more than one, there will be a combined postage discount.
I'd also take an offer for the job lot, and the P+P would then be £9.00
Great holiday reading😴
PM me if you are interested,