Trading Blogs

Hello everyone! I'm new here so let me introduce myself first.

I'm a 20 yr old studying Economics at University in England. I have been trading Forex for about a year, tried scalping as well as swing trading, and have recently made a wordpress blog to keep track of my analysis and see if I am improving with time. I do technical analysis but also keep track of fundamentals, just to reinforce some of my analysis.
My blog is -

I was just wondering if any of you also have a blog, or have any favourite blogs about trading/analysis.

Look forward to your replies!
May you be forever profitable 😀
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Plenty of journals here dude at t2win......just look at the ones with the most views.......that's the threads that stand the test of time .......

Take it steady....a year is nothing in this business so you are just warming's a marathon not a sprint....if you are making money on demo then well done.....I suggest you need to be very very profitable consistently on demo before you move to live trading

Nice blog!

I keep one too (using wordpress also), though mine is not quite as neatly structured as yours! Planning to make the blog into something a bit more structured in the future.

Blog URL is in my signature.