Trading and Gaming (graphics card advice)


Guest Author

I just want to check im doing things right.

Im setting up my trading desk for when I start Trading full time. I will be running 6 screens. But I'm also into my gaming and want to use the system for gaming also, (I will only use 1 screen while playing games.

My PC has 1 PCI-E slot and 4 standard PCI slots. SO I am buying a high spec card to for the PCI-E slot (this will run 1 screen, that i use for games and trading) and a couple of average cards for the PCI slot (to run the remaing screens, that i only want to use for).

Is what im doing correct?
Will windows recognise this setup, or will I have to change a lot of settings?
Will the games run only via the high spec card on just the one screen (i.e I dont want the games running on the slower less powerfull cards)?

Basically, if I run a program (game) that runs outside the usual windows environment, How do I ensure it only runs through the high spec card and not the other cards.

Guide to Setting up a Multi-Monitor Trading Computer

My suggestion would be to use all PCI cards of the same model. When using so many monitors, you really
want to have them all run off the same driver, so you don't have conflicts. You can usually use PCI and
PCI Express16 slots together, if you use ATI video cards. NVidia does not do so well mix-matched.
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