TradeTheMarkets TTM Indicator for ThinkorSwim


Junior member
Wow, what a great find. Thanks to TraderSam for pointing me to these indicators. sells these indicators for $496.00 dollars. They sell these indicators for TradeStation's trading system. God Bless them for being capitalist. They have been charging unsuspecting investors and traders for years. The cat is out of the bag. Someone has figured out how to get the Keltner Channel indicator and The Bollinger Bands to intersect each other on ThinkorSwim charts. Check this out, the code is below. I'll walk you though it.

Emini Addict
sounds like spam?
That's funny..
I found a code for the TTM squeeze for think or swim. How is it spam?? I'm not selling anything. I'm sharing an indicator that costs money if you use tradestation. Pretty valueable if you ask me.. I'm sure someone else will appreciate it though. It always amazes me that a normal trader can go to a forum and share ideas, but if their not in the cool club they get crapped on.
That's funny..
I found a code for the TTM squeeze for think or swim. How is it spam?? I'm not selling anything. I'm sharing an indicator that costs money if you use tradestation. Pretty valueable if you ask me.. I'm sure someone else will appreciate it though. It always amazes me that a normal trader can go to a forum and share ideas, but if their not in the cool club they get crapped on.

Okey! Sorry! Then im wrong! I did the question mark as a "is this spam?". Becuse you seemed so extremly posetive. My bad! 😕

Hope you wont hate me! 😛

Okey! Sorry! Then im wrong! I did the question mark as a "is this spam?". Becuse you seemed so extremly posetive. My bad! 😕

Hope you wont hate me! 😛


Sorry man! I didn't mean to bite your head off. I was kind of excited though. Haha..
I didn't know that you could code your own indicators in TOS. Good stuff.
I have the TTM indicator on my metatrader charting software somewhere. I wassn't particularly impresssed with it. I didn't pay for it either though 😉
I don't know if you use think or swim or not?

There were some others, I think TTM trend you can get to work in Quote tracker. It's also possible in Sierra Charts, but I couldn't figure it out, but it's super easy to put into think or swim. Just follow the instructions, copy and past. If you need any help, let me know.
If you can programme in your own indicator then you can do it, but you'll have to figure out how to edit the data. Good luck. I coudln't figure it out. for Sierra charts.

The page seems not valid..... I have the TTM squeeze indicator but I need "TTM scalper"... Do you know any other link I can get the code from??

Anybody...can you please share the TTM Wave (A,B,C) code for TOS? What lies beneath these indicators? Appreciate the sharing...if you prefer to email me in person, please email to [email protected]. Thank you.
Can you send me the code for the thinkorswim as the i dont see it anywhere.
I am a software developer and I intend to add more fuctionality I had already wriiten down. You can send it to [email protected] or add me on skype for us to chat. My skype id is spinos.consult

Hope to chat there soon


Wow, what a great find. Thanks to TraderSam for pointing me to these indicators. sells these indicators for $496.00 dollars. They sell these indicators for TradeStation's trading system. God Bless them for being capitalist. They have been charging unsuspecting investors and traders for years. The cat is out of the bag. Someone has figured out how to get the Keltner Channel indicator and The Bollinger Bands to intersect each other on ThinkorSwim charts. Check this out, the code is below. I'll walk you though it.

Emini Addict