TradeStation 8.4 trading strategy does not work with forex symbols


I am using TradeStation 8.4 in offline mode and get data via OwnData 2.6. And when I apply a strategy to a forex symbol - nothing happens 🙁. With other symbols everything is ok and strategies work. Does anybody know how to solve it?
More detail is needed as there could be numerous reasons as to why this is happening.

More detail is needed as there could be numerous reasons as to why this is happening.

What detail should I provide?

Also I want to add that problem seems to happen when the symbol classifed as forex. For example if I add a symbol to OwnData QuoteManager as Index (free quotes provider) - everything works. But if I add the same symbol as Forex - any strategy shows nothing. In both cases even exchanges were the same, but different categories.
Without knowing more it is difficult to diagnose but I think it may be due to the fact that forex symbols are measured in 1/10000 or 1/100 price scale. If the strategy you are using has "whole" numbers in the signals then the strategy will not work. What instruments does the strategy work with ? Also can you say more about what the strategy is based on ?

Without knowing more it is difficult to diagnose but I think it may be due to the fact that forex symbols are measured in 1/10000 or 1/100 price scale. If the strategy you are using has "whole" numbers in the signals then the strategy will not work. What instruments does the strategy work with ? Also can you say more about what the strategy is based on ?

I tried different predefined strategies. Even wrote my simple one:
if close[0] > high[1] then buy next bar at market;
and the result every time is the same. I applied strategies to different forex symbols - EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD and so on.

The only way for me now is to add an artificial symbol as index, import EURUSD (for example) data into it and apply strategy. But is it very inconvenient to create index couterparts for forex currency pairs and import data manually.