Traders wanting To Trade from Brentwood Office


Junior member
Hi we are looking for traders to join our community of traders in Brentwood, Essex. Perhaps you are fed up with trading from home or have recently retired from the confines of a busy London trading floor and are looking for something similar but without the journey. If you live locally and would like to visit please contact us. (Desk fees apply). We are looking for local people to join a local trading floor, many of our traders here have worked in london and have come to trade their accounts here as it is more local to their homes or they have retired and wanted to continue what they did.
Actually I meant on the clearing side, do traders in your office clear via Tower Trading or another clearer? The benefits of a regional office are good but it depends on the quality and security of the associated clearing arrangements or can you choose your own clearing arrangements?
sorry you dont open early enough. I start at 6.30am and on your website it says you open at 7am.
I can't even remember what 6:30 looks like.

well my 6.30 probably looks different to yours, this was my view at 6.29am but work is work.

In reply to the earlier thread by Parky, all of the traders here trade their accounts with their own funds through a broker of their choice. The preferred broker used on the trading floor is LMAX and Dukas. You can use whatever broker or clearing method that you desire. As for opening times as mentioned by Sonofcablemonster most of the traders here have keys so if you wanted to start a 06:30 that would not be a problem. We also have oil traders here who stay untill about 7pm
Hi,I am an American equities trader in China.I have traded the equity more than 5 years.The monthly income is at least 15 thousand dollars(our commission is 1 cent per share).I caught a chance gain 25 thousand dollars in March, 2014,I can show you the report if possible.I am in a company with more than 100 colleagues,three other colleagues with me are seeking a chance to trade in your company in USA.Our monthly income are more than 70 thousand dollars in total,the number of shares are more than 8 million,we can show you the report if possible.
We know what we gain is so insignificant,so we need the more competitive company in USA, we are adaptable to learn new strategies and techniques, if you are interested in us,please let me know,my email is [email protected], I am Leu,thanks.