Traders Leads wanted


Hi all,

Not sure if this is post is in the right place. I'm looking for qualified traders leads (English Speaking) EU, Canada, South Africa, Saudi...

I'm looking for prospective new traders those who are looking to trade.

Let me know, if you have any contacts

I know lots of people ..............but whats in it for me ?
mate, no offence but this is not the place to be selling your wares, guys on this forum are mostly self motivated day traders capable of fishing out their own broker of choice without sales pitches.

If you have come on here for insight into peoples perspectives then fair do's, but I fear you are barking up the wrong tree on this forum if it's a sales route you are going.
Definitely sales is on the back of my head but I'm also looking to read through many threads and fish out opportunities if they are up for grabs....
Dannyboy, no offence, but binary options is a quite different thing to what we do here...., i know how it works and it has the worst aspects of trading and once you´re in a position there´s no way out, we can make a mistake in forex, it can cost some pip´s but not the full stake...., maybe if you look over other forums you could find some interested guys..., good luck

I have full data available, Uk/Europe traders or people interested in trading. Data includes first name, last name, address, email, telephone, experience etc etc in total 41614 leads plus an email only optin list of 25000. There maybe more ? Im open to offers for the lot ! £xxx


Sounds like the sort of information that gets vendors a bad name!

Not when its fully opted in data that people have obviously agreed to !


they may have opted in and ticked the box but you still have a responsibility with the marketing messages you send to them and who you share their data with. This isn't a free for all where you can do what you like with peoples personal details. it doesn't work like that.

If you got the list from somewhere you have worked or from someone else who has taken it from their workplace that's more likely theft and you could get yourself in big trouble.

one thing is for sure, no one on that list would have ticked a box permitting you to tout their private details for sale on public forums.

The data is all from my own sites where i seriously follow all marketing and third party optin rules. The data is fully compliant and anybody that does not want to be marketed to can opt out at anytime following icann policies ? Its a bit like telling experian or equifax that they cannot sell your information, which they do daily, and like telling the NHS to stop selling patient records ( which again they do on a daily basis to insurance companies and such alike. If you have collected data in a professional manner then you can sell this data on ( as long as you have followed correct protocols ) Best Regards anyway