Trader Vacancy

We are an offshore investment fund specialising in FOREX trading. We are currently looking for a unique and dynamic individual who wants to be trading an account of up to 7-8 figures after a probationary period.

You will have experience in all aspects of forex trading and be able to demonstrate a verifiable trade history of at least 12 months. You will be expected to be able to work under tight guidelines whilst enjoying the freedom to develop and use your own trading methodologies. You will be reporting directly to the Fund Manager and may be based in any time zone.

Please send a CV, copies of a verifiable trading history or professional references from a registered financial institution, a short summary of how you view the market for a currency pair of your choice and an indication of expected remuneration to .

Telephone interviews will be undertaken for shortlisted candidates starting from Monday 15th February 2010.

Closing date for applications is 12.00 GMT Friday 19th February 2010. If you have not heard from us by Friday 26th February then your application has not been successful on this occasion.

There will be a probationary period of 1 month for all candidates who are successful at interview during which time we will make our final selection.

Further information about our company can be found on our website

We look forward to hearing from you.

The Vision Bancorp Team