Trader Opportunity


Active member
Hi all,

I am looking to get a trading firm set-up close to Southampton, I am an already profitable global macro trader and am looking for someone to come onboard with myself and get things up and running, preferably someone who has trading experience and is profitable themselves. If you are ambitious enough and really keen to be involved this could be overlooked and I can teach you to trade or become an analyst, but having some experience would save a lot of time, even if it is just with a spread betting account or market watching.

It goes without saying really but you must be very entrepreneurially minded and serious about making it in this industry. I myself have turned down several prop firms to go ahead with this.

The opportunity would require you to be available to work in an office in the Southampton area, and for you to support yourself for the first few months via trading or other means until your role and payment plan is agreed, no capital investment is necessary (and never will be necessary!) unless you wanted to come onboard as an owner.

In a way this is more of a business start-up venutre as opposed to just being put on a desk and trading. You really need to have a business head on you, be imaginative, and have a very good work ethic in addition to your passion for trading.

If interested message me some more information about yourself and your experiences with trading thus far and I'll be in touch.
i sent you a pm, but after seeing you mentioned "You really need to have a business head on you" is that mean you looking for a partner that need to introduce/marketing work to search client for your company?
Looking for a partner yes, in the sense the person would be alongside myself in the structure of the company. It would be a position with decision making responsibility so this is what was meant by requiring a business head.

In regards to introducing/marketing work to clients that is not something we will do, we will just trade to begin with, thats it.
we've been flirting with the idea of moving back to UK, and this would have been immensely interesting from a business development perspective.
however, it looks like the missus has finally won me over to stick it out a bit longer in the land of airport strikes, coups, etc, so all I can say is "best of luck" !!
Looking for a partner yes, in the sense the person would be alongside myself in the structure of the company. It would be a position with decision making responsibility so this is what was meant by requiring a business head.

In regards to introducing/marketing work to clients that is not something we will do, we will just trade to begin with, thats it.

sounds great, can i join your firm.. we can demo first until you are happy with my result before we proceed trading live and such.

Well, circumstances have changed somewhat and I am now setting up in London (for obvious reasons).

I am interested in hearing from profitable traders that would be prepared to back themselves to begin with and prove themselves with their own funds, ideally spreadbet/forex traders looking for a greater challenge (as this is what I have the most experience with).

If interested PM me and I will be in touch.
Well, circumstances have changed somewhat and I am now setting up in London (for obvious reasons).

I am interested in hearing from profitable traders that would be prepared to back themselves to begin with and prove themselves with their own funds, ideally spreadbet/forex traders looking for a greater challenge (as this is what I have the most experience with).

If interested PM me and I will be in touch.

hi si,

you planning on taking on any trainees in future?
Not to begin with, but if things work out then after a few months yes, if interested PM me and I will give you an address you can forward your CV to.
Hi Si1503

I am spread trader, and with good working strategies for European Market Spreads. I am very much interested in knowing more about you, actually my preference is remote trading, i can assure very good monthly profit, ( something more than 100K-200K Euros ) Monthly. I can meet you there in London before my first payout but cant work from there for long term. Kindly send me detail.
Well, circumstances have changed somewhat and I am now setting up in London (for obvious reasons).

I am interested in hearing from profitable traders that would be prepared to back themselves to begin with and prove themselves with their own funds, ideally spreadbet/forex traders looking for a greater challenge (as this is what I have the most experience with).

If interested PM me and I will be in touch.
What sort of capital are intending to start with, Si? I would assume you would want to split that with a prospective partner? What sort of legal structure are you envisioning?