Trader Monthly Magazine - Subscriptions?


Well-known member
Hi all,

I subscribed for a free subscription to 'Trader Monthly' about 6 weeks ago but I haven't received an issue yet.

Has anyone else tried applying for a free subscription? If so, how long did it take for you to receive your first edition?
It took a couple of months before I received my first issue. I'd completely forgotten about it by then of course, but it was nice to get it eventually.
Hi all,

I subscribed for a free subscription to 'Trader Monthly' about 6 weeks ago but I haven't received an issue yet.

Has anyone else tried applying for a free subscription? If so, how long did it take for you to receive your first edition?

I have and it took maybe two months. I now subscribe and I highly recommend it.

yeah, i think the UK edition comes out every 8 weeks or so, and they dont send you the current edition when you join up, you just have to wait for the next publication.

you can order the back issues if you want a copy straight away, but I think you have to pay for those.
I'm a seller tbh, too many puff pieces, not enough investigation.

what else do you use to help you decide which jet, or island, to buy?

I like seeing how the other half live, for all the wrong reasons. Other than that, I'd short it too😆 .
