Trader Girl Forex Trades

Nice thread . I hawkeye the GBPJPY and hope? it comes back to those levels at some point. Do you see it busting through 141 zone and up from this next attempted leg up ?
Nice thread . I hawkeye the GBPJPY and hope? it comes back to those levels at some point. Do you see it busting through 141 zone and up from this next attempted leg up ?

No idea! I only try to predict the direction the next day and if market's real time trend shows me my analysis is correct I often trade larger on those pairs.

Most of my analysis was spot on today and I bought the USDJPY on pullback to hourly which was a great trade, Sold the GBPUSD at my area on trendline break and doublt top for over 50 pips and also shorted AUDUSD at double top .7000 on a move back to the hourly. Usually the hourly MA is great profit target and exited there.

My level in the USDCHF also got hit but unfortunately I exited at hourly MA for 45 pips and didn't get back into that one but should have.
yeah, I hear ya.... I dont get wed to points myself. But I think theres a few GBPJPY bears who wont be able to sit down for a week or 2 after that prod ! 🙂

Some days VERY easy to predict next day. Today not so much so I'm going to be EXTRA careful tomorrow to see in REAL TIME if there's truly strength/weakness. A trend can be up but it can also be up statistically TOO MUCH and thus likely to reverse but also strong so its SCARY to reverse.
While I feel I'm usually RIGHT ON with my analysis I have less confidence about tomorrow so will likely just scalp short moves that look to be going in my favor.

You also can't go wrong by buying strong pairs on FIRST pullback after a HIGHER high! Short weak ones after they just made a LOWER LOW and then rally up to resistance! If you follow this one rule with the following analysis you'll be SAFE and have few losing trades.

Currencies to Buy
AUD/JPY Buy lightly 67.50 but 67.10 to 67.00 should be low
AUD/USD Buy .6950 to .6943
CAD/JPY Buy 78.00 to 77.78
USD/JPY Buy 96.00 to 95.77
GBP/JPY Buy 139.22 to 139.00
NZD/JPY Lightly buy 54.50 and aggressively 54.09 to 53.93
USD/CHF Buy breakout of 1.1300 and also buy 1.1125 to 1.1100
Currencies to Sell
GBP/USD May be running out of steam. If it breaks 1.4600 and EURGBP trending down buy otherwise sell 1.4700 to 1.4730
NZD/USD Sell .5760
EUR/JPY Seems to be topping out, look to sell 133.14 to 133.50
USD/CAD Sell 1.2350 and 1.2450 and breakdown of 1.2200
EUR/USD Sell 1.3800
EUR/GBP Sell .9425 to .9450
I couldn't reach this site last night so didn't post.

I feel pretty good about tomorrow's direction. Some days its VERY hard to predict likely next day's direction but today not one of them. I'm guessing I'll be right on 60 to 75% of them and then when confirmed by FX Multimap at my buy/sell levels or if trending my way by being above/below hourly moving avg as a filter you should do well.

I'm predicting the CHF is STRONGEST of all pairs followed by NZD and then EUR with just slightly upward bias on JPY.

Weakest currency tomorrow should be the GBP and then CAD with slightly less weak USD and AUD.

No matter HOW you trade Forex what determines the BIGGEST TRENDS is buying the strongest pair vs the weakest or selling the weakest pair vs the strongest !

If you see the EUR/GBP going up (means weak GBP) and GBPJPY going down, etc, etc and USD happens to be strong then pretty safe looking for pullbacks in GBP/USD ! That's the concept taught to me by the makers of the software I'm using and all I can say is it works for me, very well.

I don't trade the GBPCHF, CADCHF much but they should fall tomorrow as well as GBPNZD with the strong EUR going up against weak GBP, so look for buys on dips in EURGBP!

I hope my Journal helps you all, feel free to ask me anything. I trade about 8 systems in total and mostly focusing on overnight predictions and buying/selling my levels but may show some of the other systems as well. I have setup all kinds of alerts so its not very impressive, computer does all the work on watching all the pairs and all the systems for when there's a buy/sell.

EUR/GBP Buy lightly .9330 and .9265 to .9250
EUR/CAD Buy 1.6600 and 1.6516
NZD/USD Buy .5671 breakout up and heavily from .5500 to .5474
EUR/USD Lightly buy 1.3400 to 1.3385 and heavily from 1.3340 to 1.3316
NZD/JPY Buy 54.00 to 53.73 heavily also 53.28 should be max low of day
EUR/JPY Buy brekout of 132.85 and also lighly buy 131.00 to 130.85 and heavily at 130.38
USD/CAD Buy Breakout of 1.2350 and also at 1.2225 to 1.2193 and heavily at 1.2134
AUD/USD Buy .6832 to .6800
AUD/JPY Sell 69.20 to 69.53
USD/JPY Sell 98.50 to 98.75 and and breakdown of 97.20
GBP/USD Sell breakdown of 1.4516 and lightly 1.4700
CAD/JPY Lightly sell 78.80 to 80.15
GBP/JPY Aggressively sell 143.00 to 143.50
USD/CHF Sell the breakdown of 1.1180 and lightly 1.1325 and heavily 1.1400
Ive heard about topgun, can we see some screenshots of the things that you use to decide what and when to trade?
Ive heard about topgun, can we see some screenshots of the things that you use to decide what and when to trade?

I'm mainly focusing on here about my trade calls and levels. But I do use their excellent trend tools to confirm if I'm right or not and sometimes trade larger when so.

I was dead on with the NZDJPY and NZDUSD. I bought the NZDUSD on my breakout level and made 74 pips. I also bought the NZDJPY on a pullback and made 40 pips in it. I didn't take the other trades labeled on this NZDJPY chart only there to illustrate finding super strong pair and buying pullbacks to support when markets continue their trend.

So to recap my system. I have currencies I expect to go up and if their trend tools confirm I buy my breakout level or pullbacks to support when trendlines broken back UP in direction of trend.

Works very well and when my predictions coincide with what TopGun's showing me I have some home runs like these. When wrong I often avoid trading those pairs or lose 10 to 12 pips. That's the REAL KEY to trading, small losses every time and move to break even once pair goes up 10 to 15 pips! Many of my bad trades move to break even pretty quickly as I tend to focus on STRONG TRENDS.

I'll post more over time and a NR breakout I took earlier this week which was amazing. That was their system not mine in that case. I trade what works, not all of my systems I came up with myself and I'll give TopGun credit for the excellent NR breakout one.


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Ive heard about topgun, can we see some screenshots of the things that you use to decide what and when to trade?

Here's 2 trades I took earlier this week based on TopGun's NR Breakout Visual Basic script. It gives us the ability to pick the time frame and in my testing I find 60 min and 240 min NR breakouts the best and most worth risking REAL MONEY on!

Two NR breakouts in a few hours. First one went up 150+ pips and second 75+ pips. I configure these with alerts to my cell phone so I can always catch them. Sends SMS message to my phone with currency name and system trade call. IF this pair is on my list of pairs I think will go up I'll go and take them but if not often just go back to sleep. It's the only way I've found to catch some huge wins at night and still get some sleep.


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I'm anticipating the AUD being strongest tomorrow followed by NZD, CAD and slight USD strength.
I'm anticipating the GBP to be weakest followed by JPY and then EUR, CHF

Currencies to Buy
AUD/JPY Buy 68.50 to 68.00 using trendline entry
NZD/JPY Lightly buy 56.00 to 55.92 and 55.57 to 55.50
CAD/JPY Buy breakout of 80.50 and 79.50 to 79.39
USD/JPY Buy breakout of 99.00 and 98.00 to 97.89
AUD/USD Buy breakout of .7050 and .6915
USD/CHF Buy breakout of 1.1300 and 1.1180
EUR/GBP Buy breakout of .9375 and .9175 to .9150
EUR/JPY Buy breakout of 133.71 and 132.00
NZD/USD Buy .5625 to .5600

Currencies to Sell
USD/CAD Buy breakout of 1.2329 and sell breakdown of 1.2275
GBP/JPY Sell 144.50 and breakdown of 142.00
EUR/USD Sell breakdown of 1.3500 and sell 1.3650
GBP/USD Sell breakdown of 1.4435 and sell 1.4650
Currencies to Sell
GBP/JPY Sell 144.50 and breakdown of 142.00

I expected the GBP to be the weakest currency and for GBPJPY to collapse if 142.00 was broken.

That's exactly what happened and my trend tools predicted this in real time.

1) Under hourly moving avg (gray line).
2) At 1:45 short term momentum shifted negative.
3) Under 180 balance point line
4) Before this about 70% of the currencies analyzed supported a short!
5) Broke my 142.00 support level which I knew would cause big drop

I shorted this at 142.95 and exited over 4 hours later when 1.618 fib target was hit and trendline broken. Most times when price is under lower containment band it will go up so I didn't re enter.

171 pips


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Currencies to Sell
GBP/USD Sell breakdown of 1.4435 and sell 1.4650

The 1.4435 breakdown proved very profitable for GBPUSD too, out when trendline broken at key 1.618 fib target.

110 pips


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Currencies to Buy
USD/CHF Buy breakout of 1.1300 and 1.1180

This was my favorite trade Friday. It broke out at 1.1300 and because the USD was strongest currency and CHF weakest I held and caught almost every pip.

165 pips!

This was one of my better days. I'm not usually this accurate nor do I make this many pips in one day.


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Tomorrow will be my last day in here for 2 or 3 weeks. Going on 10 day vacation, then doing taxes when I get back and it usually takes me a few days to get back into the swing of things before I heavily start trading again.

Doing nightly analysis night after night you get a FEEL for the pairs you trade and thats too much time to be away to have this gut feeling of next day's direction.

USD/CHF Lightly buy 1.1330 and aggressively 1.1300
GBP/USD May reverse tomorrow. Buy breakout of 1.4350 up to 1.4450 where it may stall
USD/CAD Buy breakout of 1.2450, may stall at 1.2465
AUD/USD Under .6943 look for shorts down to .6800
GBP/JPY Sell 141.75 to 142.06 and 142.75
NZD/USD Sell .5750
CAD/JPY Sell 79.66 to 80.00
USD/JPY Sell 99.00
EUR/USD Sell 1.3450 and aggressively 1.3500
AUD/JPY Lightly sell 68.31 and aggressively 68.50 to 68.59
EUR/CAD Lightly sell 68.31 and aggressively 68.50 to 68.59
EUR/GBP Sell .9350
NZD/JPY Sell 56.50
EUR/JPY Sell 131.74 to 132.27
Good one

This was my favorite trade Friday. It broke out at 1.1300 and because the USD was strongest currency and CHF weakest I held and caught almost every pip.

165 pips!

This was one of my better days. I'm not usually this accurate nor do I make this many pips in one day.

Nice one - Still holding?