Trader from Amsterdam = Fake

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Came across this very detailed video regarding Trader from Amsterdam. He is a fake. I expect some people here to disagree because they might have some sort of interest in him or because they are educators themselves. But anyone who is considering to pay this guy $5000 for a course / mentorship is warned.

A very good advice from this video:"Those who CAN trade, those who can't educate".

And if you still want to team up with an educator ALWAYS ask for a couple of live sessions first (using multiple contracts), a certified broker statement that shows consistent profitability or any other actual proof of success. For any educator there is no better marketing tool than actual proof of success. And if for some reason they can't or are not willing to show you that then all the alarmbells should go off. Get out! Don't pay an educator because you want to believe in his or her success so badly. It is exactly that what they need to reel you in. The video:

Have fun trading!
Heaya !

For $5,000 I'll tel you anything you want to hear !

Heck, just as a one-off special, today-only, for members of T2W, I'll let you have my exclusive trade system for the very exclusive, heavily discounted, bargain fee of $497, an over 90% discount.

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Seriously, though. My humble wisdom is here for free, take it or leave it, but for your wealths' sake, don't pay out your cash to fake gurus and scammers whose only profits come from YOUR purchasing their tripe.

A very good advice from this video:"Those who CAN trade, those who can't educate".

Not always true that a trader is a fake if they are using a Sim account. I follow a professional Quant/Strategist/trainer who shows live trades in his room but has to use a Sim account because he still works for an institution. Institutional traders can't have personal live accounts - they might trade against their employer such that either they get a good bonus and lose some in their own account, or make money in their private account getting no bonus.
Came across this very detailed video regarding Trader from Amsterdam. He is a fake. I expect some people here to disagree because they might have some sort of interest in him or because they are educators themselves. But anyone who is considering to pay this guy $5000 for a course / mentorship is warned.

A very good advice from this video:"Those who CAN trade, those who can't educate".

And if you still want to team up with an educator ALWAYS ask for a couple of live sessions first (using multiple contracts), a certified broker statement that shows consistent profitability or any other actual proof of success. For any educator there is no better marketing tool than actual proof of success. And if for some reason they can't or are not willing to show you that then all the alarmbells should go off. Get out! Don't pay an educator because you want to believe in his or her success so badly. It is exactly that what they need to reel you in. The video:

Have fun trading!

I've been in contact with two guys who say they have been mentored by him and praise him highly. Of course, I haven't verified their identities and on the internet anything is possible.

While this industry is full of scammers and self delusional people who believe they have an edge just because they made money for a month or two, luckily there indeed are knowledgeable traders out there who teach and share their methodology.
Frankly, there's plenty of experienced and knowledgeable traders right on here, who give their mentorship entirely free of charge or any financial incentive.

But hey, if there are those that would rather throw their money away by giving it to some scammer charging for 'unique mentorship' then so be it. They can waste their money in whatever way they want.

Me, I'll stay here and humbly try to help a few somewhat more sensible souls achieve modest returns on their money.
