top trading houses, by volume


I'm doing a research project on trading firms and their organizational structure (for my undergrad studies). Trying to make some links between management strategies/initiatives and company success, and some side discussion of the prop shop model. As not much data is available I thought I would use trading volume as an indicator of sorts.

Optiver claims to be in the "Top 5 trading houses, by volume, on Listed Equity Options on Eurex" (Facts & Figures / The Company | A brief google hasn't returned any sort of official statement on "Top 5 trading houses". Would anyone know where to find this statement?

Is it possible to find similar data elsewhere, e.g. HKFE, CME, BOVESPA in addition to EUREX?

I've had a look on the exchange websites but couldn't find much apart from the participating traders and MM list..
There is *but* I think it's semi confidential and available to clearers only, although I stand to be corrected on that.

A small team of about 6 of us were the 3rd biggest participants in one market one month...

Yeah, its very hard to find anything which I can use as evidence. Its better than doing my essay on Johnson&Johnson diversity issues though!
find Johnson&Johnson diversity issues to be an exciting topic 😴

I think you can find data on BME (spanish market). After all, top five houses are published every morning in the newspapers, so, it should be available on-line.
The problem with using volume to measure your "top 5" trading houses is that volumes are highly dependant on the markets traded and the approach taken. A company that makes all it's traders trade STIR spreads will do a lot more volume than one that lets it traders do outrights on the dax but it would be very debateable to say they are a better firm.
I've included futex as one of the prop shops in my essay. Anyone know where I can find that article in Trader monthly about Bradley Young? I've seen alot of the stuff on forums but I can't find any original source or copy of that article (just because I need to reference it, and i can't reference trade2win). Or really anything else publically known about the firm, not on the web-site...
Trader Monthly went bankrupt and their web server has been de-activated. I have only come across one magazine on the net which was in PDF format, was hosted by some random and only had one article in it. My guess is you would need to buy the actual magazine to see the article......Good luck finding someone with the collection willing to sell!
well don't need the original article. If I can get details about that issue I can just reference it as if I have a copy.
John Galt...I have that magazine if it's the one I'm thinking of. I know there was a US and a UK version. I have the US magazine where it mentions Bradley Young in the top 30 under 30. Talked about him making 400k a week then taking the rest of the month off. If this is the one, I can dig it up. Although it's possible you might be referring to the UK version which might have done a more in depth profile of him being that he trades out of Woking for Futex. Let me know.
Trader_0101, that would be great.

The quote I have from the forums is

"Bradley Young
Age: 29
Firm: Futex
City: Woking, England
Trades: Futures (DAX, S&P, T-notes, gilt, bund, natural gas)

Legend has it that just outside London in the small, affluent city of Woking resides a pure prop trader who works two hours a day, two days a week — and still makes twice as much as anyone else at his clearing firm. The legend, it turns out, is true — and that gifted trader has the 30 Under 30–appropriate surname Young. “He wears jeans, his lucky jersey and no shoes,” says one colleague. “He even puts on trades and sleeps at his desk.”

Young, an Aussie who spends more time on vacation than he does trading, has been known to pull down $250,000 a week even after the bosses at Futex exact their tribute. “The guy just left for a month in Australia,” says one coworker. “He comes back for a day or two, then heads to Cyprus for two weeks.”

Says Young: “From the very first day I traded a futures contract, I’ve always believed that I was going to be one of the greatest traders of all time. As each day passes and my career progresses, this belief becomes stronger.”

Is this what is written in your magazine?

If so, would you be kind enough to provide me with the following details:
Year of publication
Title of article - I assume "30 under 30"
Place of publication (city) - this one is a US version... and if there are two need to specify it is the US one.
Volume and/or issue number
Day and month or season- think it was Sept 07, if I'm not mistaken?
Page number(s)...
Yeah, that's the one. I'm on holiday at the moment. I'll be back Monday evening. I'll get you that info then.