Tomorrows Gold Price ???


Junior member
Hi there,

Wanted some thoughts on tomorrows opening gold price - been a bit of a dic and ended up placing an all or nothing punt (never doing that again...) on gold futures...

Been bricking it since thrusday :-0

Anyone with any expereince on CBOT spot gold futures got any ideas?

Its been up to 1004ish and then down to 905ish in the space of three days so will the sell off continue or do you think the bulls are gona come charging?
Kin ell holly...... what do you feel like doing ? the thing with this type of trading is its driven by feelings. The market knows this.

People who tend to go in on good feelings always get taken out with worse ones.

Sell into strength, will you get any? dunno mate, someone mentioned a range 920 up, but if its holding below this, its not usually indicative of higher prices. if there is a resistance line there.

There is a saying if in doubt get out. I dont trade gold mate but i'd like to see it trade sub 700.

But essentially wisdom says you should cut out. Especially if your relying on advice/guidance from others.

Good luck, let us know what you do if you want.
Cheers fella,

Am new to trading and cought it big on the down move - took some profits at 909 then bet for it to go down again (my thinking was it had dropped a lot v quickly so would keep going) it then bounced up to 913 and my SB co closed at 19:30 on thr and cbot closed at 920 at 21:00 but its been down to 916 on the NY index on friday when most UK/US markets were closed - so hoping it will drop at least below 909 before it hits 930 - was hoping someone would say 'sure its going down to test 870' - so I could sleep easy tonight ;-)

Read a few posts on other sites saying that the long term trend is up but we will likley test the 850 - 870 point before it heads back up over 1000 - I've learned a harsh lesson - dont bet the farm and look away... will let you know how what happens...
Hi there,

Wanted some thoughts on tomorrows opening gold price - been a bit of a dic and ended up placing an all or nothing punt (never doing that again...) on gold futures...

Been bricking it since thrusday :-0

Anyone with any expereince on CBOT spot gold futures got any ideas?

Its been up to 1004ish and then down to 905ish in the space of three days so will the sell off continue or do you think the bulls are gona come charging?

For a day trader, you trade as it comes. If you're awake when it comes, I would recommend (or look at) a 3 line break chart. With and a variable line break chart, (whc feed comes free but with errors and lag) or the one in metastock.

Then again if it's advice you're seeking, I'd recommend getting yourself a trading coach/mentor. Perhaps this guy might be of some help.
Hi there,

Wanted some thoughts on tomorrows opening gold price - been a bit of a dic and ended up placing an all or nothing punt (never doing that again...) on gold futures...

Been bricking it since thrusday :-0

Anyone with any expereince on CBOT spot gold futures got any ideas?

Its been up to 1004ish and then down to 905ish in the space of three days so will the sell off continue or do you think the bulls are gona come charging?
The price on gold may plateu here in the lower to Mid 900s (925-950) this week, then I believe it will spike up to and over 1000, fast.

Current Paper Gold contracts maybe showing a price of 920, but one can not replace that gold physically for less then $1033.00
..One of the largest gold vaults is showing offer at $1033.00

This drop in gold is just a manipulation, an opportunity for a Gov. entity or wealthy person to flood the market with 'paper' contracts sold to the floor, then 'they'll' come in and buy up the market back to it's 'real' price.
MP -- I LOVE GOLD --- its my "precious" !

HMMMMMMM -- Pork Bellies doing pretty well.

anyway, agree with Holly except for last sentence, but 3/4 of a post correct aint bad !
(tongue in cheek Holly !)

selling off for a few reasons, one of which is its reached a natural resistance point that is historically correct on the H4 chart, while the other is that the US interest rates situation has shown the US is capable of handling its financial "problems", although in for a slightly bumpy time for a while, which should be followed by all you brits and the rest of europe if history is any judge --- we go in first and we come out first, and I dont think this time is any different (but time will tell, wont it ?)

if gold follows its normal and historic patterns, for which theres little reason to believe it will not, then we are prob looking at a 74% retrace to approx 934.80 weekly pivot and a continuation back up ----- unfortunately, this will take a wee bit of time and shall make your margin look like hell.

If I were playing this, I would open a SHORT counter trade which should hedge your LONG and play it as the pros will. (just make sure you have the margin to cover the long when you finally exit your short, because it will be huge !)

Now holly, only in the best of spirit shall i mention that NOTHING goes straight up without coming down for a while, and the reasons for that are the simplest in the world. The "institutions" have sold into the rally, taking their profits and setting their shorts --- this gives them TWO great situations ---- at this point, we "dumb money" retail traders will be selling to hold our profits and the banks and mm's will be picking up MORE shares to be ready for the upside move to come down the road. It gets even better for them when the price drops so low that people bail in disgust, and lo and behold the banks BUY all the CHEAP shares to COVER THEIR SHORTS and NOW THEY HAVE ALL THESE SHARES, AT A LOW PRICE, TO SELL INTO THE NEXT UPSIDE MOVE.

THAT is how they make their fortunes, not some old greybeard or govt worker, moving prices about !

Its the way EVERY market works, just that its SO CLEAR with forex AND commodities !!

enjoy and trade well cause we yanks love youse guys --- where the heck would we be without you ???

The price on gold may plateu here in the lower to Mid 900s (925-950) this week, then I believe it will spike up to and over 1000, fast.

Current Paper Gold contracts maybe showing a price of 920, but one can not replace that gold physically for less then $1033.00
..One of the largest gold vaults is showing offer at $1033.00

This drop in gold is just a manipulation, an opportunity for a Gov. entity or wealthy person to flood the market with 'paper' contracts sold to the floor, then 'they'll' come in and buy up the market back to it's 'real' price.

Cheers - I'm kind of think that too at the moment but a move to 900 or just below is still possible if it dosent go down on open - I'll just pull out...
For a day trader, you trade as it comes. If you're awake when it comes, I would recommend (or look at) a 3 line break chart. With and a variable line break chart, (whc feed comes free but with errors and lag) or the one in metastock.

Then again if it's advice you're seeking, I'd recommend getting yourself a trading coach/mentor. Perhaps this guy might be of some help.

Thanks - checking out your links - gona hold tight until 7am tomorrow and prey :eek:
HMMMMMMM -- Pork Bellies doing pretty well.

anyway, agree with Holly except for last sentence, but 3/4 of a post correct aint bad !
(tongue in cheek Holly !)

selling off for a few reasons, one of which is its reached a natural resistance point that is historically correct on the H4 chart, while the other is that the US interest rates situation has shown the US is capable of handling its financial "problems", although in for a slightly bumpy time for a while, which should be followed by all you brits and the rest of europe if history is any judge --- we go in first and we come out first, and I dont think this time is any different (but time will tell, wont it ?)

if gold follows its normal and historic patterns, for which theres little reason to believe it will not, then we are prob looking at a 74% retrace to approx 934.80 weekly pivot and a continuation back up ----- unfortunately, this will take a wee bit of time and shall make your margin look like hell.

If I were playing this, I would open a SHORT counter trade which should hedge your LONG and play it as the pros will. (just make sure you have the margin to cover the long when you finally exit your short, because it will be huge !)

Now holly, only in the best of spirit shall i mention that NOTHING goes straight up without coming down for a while, and the reasons for that are the simplest in the world. The "institutions" have sold into the rally, taking their profits and setting their shorts --- this gives them TWO great situations ---- at this point, we "dumb money" retail traders will be selling to hold our profits and the banks and mm's will be picking up MORE shares to be ready for the upside move to come down the road. It gets even better for them when the price drops so low that people bail in disgust, and lo and behold the banks BUY all the CHEAP shares to COVER THEIR SHORTS and NOW THEY HAVE ALL THESE SHARES, AT A LOW PRICE, TO SELL INTO THE NEXT UPSIDE MOVE.

THAT is how they make their fortunes, not some old greybeard or govt worker, moving prices about !

Its the way EVERY market works, just that its SO CLEAR with forex AND commodities !!

enjoy and trade well cause we yanks love youse guys --- where the heck would we be without you ???


Wise words :eek: thanks for the info - seems logical what your saying - hopefully we will see it drop before the next bounce - please god... :clap: will post here tomorrow to let you know if I'm jumping around the room or rocking back and forth under my chair...
Wise words :eek: thanks for the info - seems logical what your saying - hopefully we will see it drop before the next bounce - please god... :clap: will post here tomorrow to let you know if I'm jumping around the room or rocking back and forth under my chair...

my particular method is to hide under my desk in a fetal position and whimper "mommy !"


my particular method is to hide under my desk in a fetal position and whimper "mommy !"


:LOL: my be giving that a try... I now see it was a school boy error, to alarge a position on to fast a moving contract...

my particular method is to hide under my desk in a fetal position and whimper "mommy !"


Got out with a break even and then nicked a little on the up move but have realised I'm gambling not trading at the moment - need to do a lot more home work and change platforms as I'm using a spread betting co (name says it all i suppose...)

Got out with a break even and then nicked a little on the up move but have realised I'm gambling not trading at the moment - need to do a lot more home work and change platforms as I'm using a spread betting co (name says it all i suppose...)


News saved your nether regions this time -- congrats !

hey, i trade and dont gamble and I would not have thought it would see this run today from everything that was showing.

I guess we watch now, cause there "should" be that downside --- perhaps the pro's simply are selling into this rally to get good short positions --- few days will tell, but im flat gold rite now cause i only got a little piece of this action and wont push my luck at the moment

the gold bugs took mercy on us today

Simple solution here....just put a box around 929 and 904....if 904 is tested and it finds support.....exit....if 929 is breached then exit anyway.

smaller intraday time frames suggest breaks south within the range....this does not mean however that price will break lower on the higher time frames.

You might get out of this unscathed


Just realised your already out :LOL:...either way...this is still an interesting One to watch.
I am very much curious on collecting gold coins as an investment for my future. :) But I would like to know about how tax changes in Canada will affect our gold coin purchase? :rolleyes: Also please share me about what insurance scheme will suit this best. I want to keep my savings safe and secure. :D

perhaps look at the link you've kindly provided ?.......:cool:
My chart for gold


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Gold made a breakout from it`s range. Next Resistance zone not far away.


  • XAUUSD.jpg
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Keeping my eyes on the current levels. High possibility to go down from here if we don't see any breakout.