Tom Busby DTI Day Trading Institue

I did pay $10,000 .All I learned from DTI could have been learned in TBuzz's 3 books. Read them and then watch charts for 3 yrs and then you have a chance you could do this for a liveing.
I do now but not before I lost $100,00 learning that markets are forever changeing.
I did pay $10,000 .All I learned from DTI could have been learned in TBuzz's 3 books. Read them and then watch charts for 3 yrs and then you have a chance you could do this for a liveing.
I do now but not before I lost $100,00 learning that markets are forever changeing.

Great advice

if a newbie were to spend 3 years studying markets and researching/learning to trade from the internet (for free) BEFORE they start to trade real money then they would have a very high probability of keeping solvent before the profits start to flow ....👍

I would very much like to know what trading school and or service, trading room, etc. you are with now. And if you are still experiencing successful trades. Thanks!

Gingercat, thank yopu for sharing your experience with DTI. But if someone ever pulled me out of a seminar "after" I paid $10 let alone 10,000 dollars I would immediately smell a red flag and ask for a refund right there. Then if they said no, if contact my credit card company immediately and tell them what happened. You always have 30 days to change your mind.
Its disgusting when "pigs" who get 10k for something you can find for free on the internet,and most courses are exactly that, and then they want to upsell you before your coffee gets cold. These guys should be in jail. I've seen his free webinars and its like...his lips move, hes making points but he acts like he is allowing yu to receive secret info only floor or pit traders can get ahold of. Well heres a real SECRET FOR YOU CAT.........most pit traders cannot trade for beans. They go broke and write books!

For any of you...if you ever buy any kind of course at all, and someone tries to upsell you before you leave, get your money back immediately. Legit businesses dont do business that way.
Great advice

if a newbie were to spend 3 years studying markets and researching/learning to trade from the internet (for free) BEFORE they start to trade real money then they would have a very high probability of keeping solvent before the profits start to flow ....👍


Not always true NVP, htough your point is quite valid. Some of us have already been paper trading so long, we need a very small real account just to get the feel back of how actual trading feels. I myself had been in paper mode for 3 years and I went right into real money with my newly discovered system because I cant take paper trading anymore. You feel so left out of the real trading world!!! Besides, you remember real losses much better than paper ones.
I spent $10,000 on Tom Busbys Advanced Course after finding him to be the most sincere salesman at a Money Show. I thought by getting educated before trading, I could save myself much heartache. I share the above comment that DTI has the best of intentions. I attended the school which is very well setup for education. The instructor Geoff Smith is very nice and has a certain charm that makes him very easy to listen to.

Here is where I feel compelled to give caution. I read the manual provided and found it to be a collage of information I could have retrieved from any number of reputable websites...

Once at the facility I found the trading style to fall short of inspiring any confidence. Every trade I observed had a fly by the seat of your pants feel to it. Trading off of 30 minute bars while five of the most widely followed Emini contracts are in unison is the "Methodology". I burned through no less than $50,000 of my hard earned money trying to get this method to provide me with a consistent income to no avail......I finally searched and scoured the Internet and finally came across another organization that has me consistently profitable at consiberably less money. Im not going to post the name here as I dont work for them.

The most disturbing experience I had at DTI ( The provided Lunch was always very nice) was being pulled out of the class to "Speak to Tom" after only being there a short time. It turns out after dropping 10k.....they wanted to upsell me into their Diamond program....I was offended and told them this was in bad taste and proceeded to return to the classroom. I dont begrudge Tom Busby, he is a nice man and has a Good business going but I think he has lost sight of the fact that people are really trying to make it as traders while he is simply raking it in.......I cant blame anyone for my experiences as they all have brought me to where I am now but I feel compelled to post this to at least make any future clients at least be aware of what they are getting into.

PS I spent a lot of time looking on the internet checking youtube get a feel for Tom Busby and DTI and was satisfied initially that I was making a good choice.....unfortunately the method they teach was too variable an interaction with the market and almost ruined me financially.

They have a fellow Chuck Crow who is their numbers guru. He actually stated in the chatroom one evening that he Does not believe in Trading Systems......................Now that I am trading a system with consistent results I can see where DTI falls short.

Good Luck and I believe my email is attached to my profile....I will provide the name of the Trading room that worked for me upon request...they gave me a free week in there room they are happy to show you excel spreadsheets with the backtested results etc....DTI is very reluctant to provide information on their methodology's results unless you pay Big Bucks for the Green Room.....This is the longest post i have ever presented to the a forum. I feel very strongly about my comments and want to prevent heartache where I can.


I also paid 6k to DTI for some courses and lost another 15 k trading futures with their system before I had a chance to go To mobile for the final part of my course. I saved 3k by not going anyhow This knocked me out of the game for 5 years, pissed off my wife to she thinks its as bad or worse than gambling now. I wanna jump in and adopt a system but a little gun shy now after my experience with DTI. I have a passion for trading I really think this is right for me but lots of losses and guilt in the past
I also paid 6k to DTI for some courses and lost another 15 k trading futures with their system before I had a chance to go To mobile for the final part of my course. I saved 3k by not going anyhow This knocked me out of the game for 5 years, pissed off my wife to she thinks its as bad or worse than gambling now. I wanna jump in and adopt a system but a little gun shy now after my experience with DTI. I have a passion for trading I really think this is right for me but lots of losses and guilt in the past
I can solve your problem, and I walk my talk. Just stay in sim mode and dont trade until you either double your acct size or.....are very profitable after 6 months. a real acct. But this way,with no pressure,you can do the one thing every winning trader who is great does..........look at the printouts of your trades at the end of the day(or whenever you closeem) and circle where you got in or out. Now look to see where would have been a better entry and exit. save them,fill up a binder or loose leaf with em, and in 6 months of reviewing trades AFTER the action is over youll have the equivalent of 4 yrs of trading without reviewing. The best day trader I ever saw who is like micky mantle of trading said thats the most important thing any daytrader should do. and of course keep a log and records of every trade....if thats a pain in the know you are overtrading! lol I myself paper traded for 2 yrs before getting back into it just 6 weeks ago live. I probably saved a lot of money.
I also paid 6k to DTI for some courses and lost another 15 k trading futures with their system before I had a chance to go To mobile for the final part of my course. I saved 3k by not going anyhow This knocked me out of the game for 5 years, pissed off my wife to she thinks its as bad or worse than gambling now. I wanna jump in and adopt a system but a little gun shy now after my experience with DTI. I have a passion for trading I really think this is right for me but lots of losses and guilt in the past

Your wife is probably right, don't waste any more of your money.
I spent $10,000 on Tom Busbys Advanced Course after finding him to be the most sincere salesman at a Money Show. I thought by getting educated before trading, I could save myself much heartache. I share the above comment that DTI has the best of intentions. I attended the school which is very well setup for education. The instructor Geoff Smith is very nice and has a certain charm that makes him very easy to listen to.

Here is where I feel compelled to give caution. I read the manual provided and found it to be a collage of information I could have retrieved from any number of reputable websites...

Once at the facility I found the trading style to fall short of inspiring any confidence. Every trade I observed had a fly by the seat of your pants feel to it. Trading off of 30 minute bars while five of the most widely followed Emini contracts are in unison is the "Methodology". I burned through no less than $50,000 of my hard earned money trying to get this method to provide me with a consistent income to no avail......I finally searched and scoured the Internet and finally came across another organization that has me consistently profitable at consiberably less money. Im not going to post the name here as I dont work for them.

The most disturbing experience I had at DTI ( The provided Lunch was always very nice) was being pulled out of the class to "Speak to Tom" after only being there a short time. It turns out after dropping 10k.....they wanted to upsell me into their Diamond program....I was offended and told them this was in bad taste and proceeded to return to the classroom. I dont begrudge Tom Busby, he is a nice man and has a Good business going but I think he has lost sight of the fact that people are really trying to make it as traders while he is simply raking it in.......I cant blame anyone for my experiences as they all have brought me to where I am now but I feel compelled to post this to at least make any future clients at least be aware of what they are getting into.

PS I spent a lot of time looking on the internet checking youtube get a feel for Tom Busby and DTI and was satisfied initially that I was making a good choice.....unfortunately the method they teach was too variable an interaction with the market and almost ruined me financially.

They have a fellow Chuck Crow who is their numbers guru. He actually stated in the chatroom one evening that he Does not believe in Trading Systems......................Now that I am trading a system with consistent results I can see where DTI falls short.

Good Luck and I believe my email is attached to my profile....I will provide the name of the Trading room that worked for me upon request...they gave me a free week in there room they are happy to show you excel spreadsheets with the backtested results etc....DTI is very reluctant to provide information on their methodology's results unless you pay Big Bucks for the Green Room.....This is the longest post i have ever presented to the a forum. I feel very strongly about my comments and want to prevent heartache where I can.


Can you please provide the name of trading room that has worked for you.
Trading Room that worked for you

I read your thoughtful post and if you would be kind enough to share the name of the Trading Room that worked for you, I would be most grateful.

I travelled to Mobile, Alabama about ten years ago to study with DTI when it was the Day Trading Institute as opposed to Diversified as it now goes by. I found Geoff Smith to be very polite and the education a bit hard to nail down as to why I wasn't able to apply it and chalked it up to my inexperience with trading so did not trade. I did think that Tom Busby was a bit of a wildcard but if he has insights into the dynamics of the market and succeeds at trading then that doesn't preclude listening to his approach.

I am still interested in trading and heard a webinar last night with Tom Busby promoting a new program which consists of a year's worth of looking over his shoulder for what he his thinking about the market: psychology, seasonality, top 10% of trades he is considering, what he calls probing by taking a small position and adding to it. He said he averages 30 trades a week, so 10 % would be 3 a week. Also, a Sunday night planning session for the week, a midweek update, and a daily huddle. This is what I understood anyway. I have to admit I am interested to follow along with a seasoned trader but did a little research on others" experience with him and came across your thread. I am curious where you went for more training.

Thank you,

Heidi Bass
I have just received an email from Honest FX Team on How Tom tripled his account in 4 months. Inside the email it mentioned how to grow a small account, no sale-pitch, no hype, 100% pure content....

Clicking on the link there, a website page appears and all one have to do is to enter his/her email to get the required content.

On reading the posts here, I decide not to procceed further ...
Advice please

I spent $10,000 on Tom Busbys Advanced Course after finding him to be the most sincere salesman at a Money Show. I thought by getting educated before trading, I could save myself much heartache. I share the above comment that DTI has the best of intentions. I attended the school which is very well setup for education. The instructor Geoff Smith is very nice and has a certain charm that makes him very easy to listen to.

Here is where I feel compelled to give caution. I read the manual provided and found it to be a collage of information I could have retrieved from any number of reputable websites...

Once at the facility I found the trading style to fall short of inspiring any confidence. Every trade I observed had a fly by the seat of your pants feel to it. Trading off of 30 minute bars while five of the most widely followed Emini contracts are in unison is the "Methodology". I burned through no less than $50,000 of my hard earned money trying to get this method to provide me with a consistent income to no avail......I finally searched and scoured the Internet and finally came across another organization that has me consistently profitable at consiberably less money. Im not going to post the name here as I dont work for them.

The most disturbing experience I had at DTI ( The provided Lunch was always very nice) was being pulled out of the class to "Speak to Tom" after only being there a short time. It turns out after dropping 10k.....they wanted to upsell me into their Diamond program....I was offended and told them this was in bad taste and proceeded to return to the classroom. I dont begrudge Tom Busby, he is a nice man and has a Good business going but I think he has lost sight of the fact that people are really trying to make it as traders while he is simply raking it in.......I cant blame anyone for my experiences as they all have brought me to where I am now but I feel compelled to post this to at least make any future clients at least be aware of what they are getting into.

PS I spent a lot of time looking on the internet checking youtube get a feel for Tom Busby and DTI and was satisfied initially that I was making a good choice.....unfortunately the method they teach was too variable an interaction with the market and almost ruined me financially.

They have a fellow Chuck Crow who is their numbers guru. He actually stated in the chatroom one evening that he Does not believe in Trading Systems......................Now that I am trading a system with consistent results I can see where DTI falls short.

Good Luck and I believe my email is attached to my profile....I will provide the name of the Trading room that worked for me upon request...they gave me a free week in there room they are happy to show you excel spreadsheets with the backtested results etc....DTI is very reluctant to provide information on their methodology's results unless you pay Big Bucks for the Green Room.....This is the longest post i have ever presented to the a forum. I feel very strongly about my comments and want to prevent heartache where I can.


GREETINGS, Could you advise on the Trading Room that worked for you?

Thanks, !!

You indicated you have found and are using a system, after trying DTI, that is working for you, and you indicated you would be willing to reveal what it is. Please do, if you are still having success with it. Thanks

I spent $10,000 on Tom Busbys Advanced Course after finding him to be the most sincere salesman at a Money Show. I thought by getting educated before trading, I could save myself much heartache. I share the above comment that DTI has the best of intentions. I attended the school which is very well setup for education. The instructor Geoff Smith is very nice and has a certain charm that makes him very easy to listen to.

Here is where I feel compelled to give caution. I read the manual provided and found it to be a collage of information I could have retrieved from any number of reputable websites...

Once at the facility I found the trading style to fall short of inspiring any confidence. Every trade I observed had a fly by the seat of your pants feel to it. Trading off of 30 minute bars while five of the most widely followed Emini contracts are in unison is the "Methodology". I burned through no less than $50,000 of my hard earned money trying to get this method to provide me with a consistent income to no avail......I finally searched and scoured the Internet and finally came across another organization that has me consistently profitable at consiberably less money. Im not going to post the name here as I dont work for them.

The most disturbing experience I had at DTI ( The provided Lunch was always very nice) was being pulled out of the class to "Speak to Tom" after only being there a short time. It turns out after dropping 10k.....they wanted to upsell me into their Diamond program....I was offended and told them this was in bad taste and proceeded to return to the classroom. I dont begrudge Tom Busby, he is a nice man and has a Good business going but I think he has lost sight of the fact that people are really trying to make it as traders while he is simply raking it in.......I cant blame anyone for my experiences as they all have brought me to where I am now but I feel compelled to post this to at least make any future clients at least be aware of what they are getting into.

PS I spent a lot of time looking on the internet checking youtube get a feel for Tom Busby and DTI and was satisfied initially that I was making a good choice.....unfortunately the method they teach was too variable an interaction with the market and almost ruined me financially.

They have a fellow Chuck Crow who is their numbers guru. He actually stated in the chatroom one evening that he Does not believe in Trading Systems......................Now that I am trading a system with consistent results I can see where DTI falls short.

Good Luck and I believe my email is attached to my profile....I will provide the name of the Trading room that worked for me upon request...they gave me a free week in there room they are happy to show you excel spreadsheets with the backtested results etc....DTI is very reluctant to provide information on their methodology's results unless you pay Big Bucks for the Green Room.....This is the longest post i have ever presented to the a forum. I feel very strongly about my comments and want to prevent heartache where I can.

I am a current subscriber to DTI. I have to say be wary of spending money with these guys. If you happen to be in a product with Tom Busby, be prepared to spend 3/4 of the time listening to Tom explain what a brillian trader he is, along with occasionally telling you what trading was like 30 years ago.

The futures room is not too bad, because Tom rarely visits that room. The other products are very expensive and of questionable value.