Tightest SB spreads for a Nasdaq Company


Im tracking a Nasdaq company and want to day trade $2.5 movements on a particular $250 Nasdaq stock.
I'm looking at IG Spread Betting and more or less its a $1 spread, ie Im losing $1 to get the targeted $2.5 gain. A mad cost of trade.

With my trading objective of a $2.5 movement on this $250 Nasdaq stock - is cfd my only option
Is there any Spread Better with tighter spreads than IG for NASDAQ companies.
thank you
If you're going to trade such small movements with that little capital then you're going to need to use something like robinhood which makes money from the interest held in client accounts rather than on spreads on each deal. I can see you reside in Ireland though so this isn't available to you yet and I don't think robinhood aims for the kind of execution you will need either. I think you need to look at options with better spreads like scalping forex majors perhaps. I hear activtrades spreads are very good so take a look at them but when you're aiming for such small profits you're going to get eaten by commissions with any standard broker.