Hi one and all,
this is my first post! I have been checking out the site for a while and have found the articles and forums quite useful and will definitely continue to checkout this site regularly.
My first query is: can anyone suggest a good spreadbetting company which has tight spreads preferably 1 point FTSE, 3 points DOW or better? I have found a company that has got the above spreads but the execution of trade orders isn’t fast enough especially when trying to exit trades!
Can the suggestions be companies other than IG index and Capital spreads (for possibly obvious reasons!)?
Thanks 🙂
this is my first post! I have been checking out the site for a while and have found the articles and forums quite useful and will definitely continue to checkout this site regularly.
My first query is: can anyone suggest a good spreadbetting company which has tight spreads preferably 1 point FTSE, 3 points DOW or better? I have found a company that has got the above spreads but the execution of trade orders isn’t fast enough especially when trying to exit trades!
Can the suggestions be companies other than IG index and Capital spreads (for possibly obvious reasons!)?
Thanks 🙂