Tick & Trin


What does it mean when Tick is Bullish & Trin is Bearish?

For example, Tick has been around 350 for a large part of today, but trin has been at 1.35.

Am I reading these indicators wrong, is it a sign of a sideways day, or ???

TraderEO said:
Think or Swim Data feed.
It says, "$TICK NYSE Issues Up/Down Ratio".
Just that TICK by it's nature never stays anywhere long, whilst it has passed thru 350 many times today it has ranged from +1200 to -400 give or take a bit.
TICK is a very short term indicator, since it is simply summing the number of stocks trading on an uptick verses those trading on a downtick
🙂 Thanks!

Does this mean that TRIN is a longer term indicator? What indicators do you recommend in order to get a feel for the overall market direction?
To be honest I tend not to use TRIN for much at all, I have it up to see the general trend, if it is rising or faliing, but for general bias on market direction I much prefer to watch the two main components of the trin, advance / decline, and up / down volume, and the price action of the market itself.