Tick/replay simulator for TS2000i


Junior member
Does anyone know of a product or utility that will replay Globalserver tick data as though it was coming in realtime? LSR channels (amongst other indicators) move and expand in realtime as the bars form until a certain point when they become fixed on the chart and the new channel starts.

It is impossible to back test these indicators successfully without being capable of seeing exactly what happened at the time.

I know VirtualTrader that can do something similar but not with tick data which is what I need. I have heard that there are other/s but have drawn a complete blank.

Any help would be much appreciated.
Hi rhay999

Welcome to T2W 🙂

I know ESignal have a replay tick feature and can backtest as well. Although I can't seem to find the LSR Channels 😕
Have a look and see. They have a 30 day money back guarantee if it doesn't do what you want.

Unfortunately I'm well stuck into Tradestation with too many other other bits and bobs to start migrating to Esignal.

I need to tap into the mechanics of the interface between Globalserver and TS to replay/rewind the ticks to give a realtime simulation. I'm sure there is something out there......

Thanks anyway.
Neoticker (www.tickquest.com ) has a simulation server which allow you to do revisit historical data live ( or up to 10 times faster). I think your tick data needs to be in ascii format to import.
jimvt said:
Neoticker (www.tickquest.com ) has a simulation server which allow you to do revisit historical data live ( or up to 10 times faster). I think your tick data needs to be in ascii format to import.

Thanks Jimvt - I'll check em out.