The Wild Card Oil 6 Oct 2009


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The Wild Card Oil 6 Oct 2009
Tuesday, 6 Oct 2009
Dollar Weakens on Speculation Gulf States May Stop Using Greenback

Growing speculation over the potential end to Dollar-based trading in the oil market has pushed the USD down against 14 of its 16 major counterparts yesterday. A report on Tuesday in the Independent newspaper revived the idea of ending a huge volume of trade of the world's most liquid commodity - Oil in the U.S. Dollar, a potentially major sign of the greenback's fading status. The Dollar weakened after the U.K.-based Independent reported oil-producing Gulf nations are seeking to move to a basket of currencies to settle transactions. Analysts said ending the use of the Dollar as the currency used to settle oil trades between countries would be an easy task, but a move to replace the currency in which oil is priced would require a massive effort .

The Wild Card

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