The T2W Members Forex Strategy - A Collaborative Effort!


The T2W Members Super Forex Strategy - A Collaborative Effort!

I thought it would be a nice idea if the serious & constructive members of T2W pool their expertise in a collective attempt to construct a SUPERIOR WINNING strategy. Many hands make light work etc.......

In my opinion, the EMPHASIS should PERHAPS be on SIMPLICITY/EASE OF INTERPRETATON (of signals etc.) & IMPLEMENTATION, ROBUSTNESS & ADAPTABILITY across different forex currency pairs, and different timeframes. Although the MAJORITY may well wish to produce a strategy that is more TAYLORED to a certain instrument - lets see......

This idea my take a while to get off the ground, as initially there will HOPEFULLY be lots of competing, yet equally valid & justifiable ideas floating around.

However, hopefully, we can as a group settle on one strategy idea, and progress it forward so that it becomes a BETTER strategy than anything that WE have managed to develop INDIVIDUALLY.

All serious ideas & input welcome.

With so many talented & experienced members of T2W lets hope that we can develop a SUPER strategy.

But wouldn't it also reflect poorly on us as a collective community of "professional" traders, if we were not able to come up with something just a tad SUPER :eek: .

Don't be afraid to be critical of any members input, especially if you think you may have a better idea etc. but lets keep the thread constructive at all times!

Lets get ready to milk the herd :!: :p
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I thought it would be a nice idea if the serious & constructive members of T2W pool their expertise in a collective attempt to construct a SUPERIOR WINNING strategy. Many hands make light work etc.......

There's no point as I already have one but thanks anyway

I thought it would be a nice idea if the serious & constructive members of T2W pool their expertise in a collective attempt to construct a SUPERIOR WINNING strategy. Many hands make light work etc.......

In my opinion, the EMPHASIS should PERHAPS be on SIMPLICITY/EASE OF INTERPRETATON (of signals etc.) & IMPLEMENTATION, ROBUSTNESS & ADAPTABILITY across different forex currency pairs, and different timeframes. Although the MAJORITY may well wish to produce a strategy that is more TAYLORED to a certain instrument - lets see......

This idea my take a while to get off the ground, as initially there will HOPEFULLY be lots of competing, yet equally valid & justifiable ideas floating around.

However, hopefully, we can as a group settle on one strategy idea, and progress it forward so that it becomes a BETTER strategy than anything that WE have managed to develop INDIVIDUALLY.

All serious ideas & input welcome.

With so many talented & experienced members of T2W lets hope that we can develop a SUPER strategy.

But wouldn't it also reflect poorly on us as a collective community of "professional" traders, if we were not able to come up with something just a tad SUPER :eek: .

Don't be afraid to be critical of any members input, especially if you think you may have a better idea etc. but lets keep the thread constructive at all times!

Lets get ready to milk the herd :!: :p

No offense, but I think you are living on the moon.

The proposition is of no interest to those that already have a successful strategy, and of course those that don't, well they don't have anything remotely useful to bring to the party.

This isn't something that can be done by collaboration, there are forums out there infinitely better than T2W and all attempts at collaboration fail. There's a reason why they fail, and you've already started the process, you think the emphasis should be on simplicity, someone else will have a diametrically opposed idea, is it likely that you'll be able to collaborate ?

Anyone who's been through this process will know that the very first step towards success comes the day that you acknowledge that you and you alone need to put in the work, rather than reliance on others, and certainly not reliance on a group of strangers on an internet forum.

I really do wish you the best of luck

As i said, i thought it would be a nice idea.

It must certainly beat exchanging nonsensical exchanges on other T2W threads, in at least it is aimed at producing something constructive that will be of benefit to many, and is trading related.

There are many trading systems of forexfacotry etc. These have been developed and posted by one person. The majority of the time it seems that the system remains the same and everyone else follows. I have not seen any collaborative efforts B4.

Granted, a collaborative effort will not be simple. Contributors to it may disagree with the directions taken, lose interest and leave the thread. But in the end we should produce something super, from which people will learn & have learned quite a bit.

Collaborating will also be a test of peoples ability to contribute and exhange information in a concise, orderly & methodical way.

Theres no rush to get something done overnight. Go away, think about it & prepare to bring your A game and a good attitude to the table.

Oh, and those of you with no community spirit, and/or nothing meaningful/useful to contribute are welcome to stay clear!
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I agree with zupcon. (except the bit about you living on the moon.)

the problem is that the methods we are attracted to is a reflection of our personalities.
some find trying to pick turns easier, whether it be using Fibs, Gann, or pivots.
some prefer range-trading.
some like to jump onto an already moving band-wagon, like me.

I think it may be better to show about 2 each of MAs, Stochs, candlestick-patterns, etc, so newbies can see something they like and run with it. but, ForexFactory have beaten us to it. (not forgetting the trading naked website)

the rest is fine-tuning, personalising, money management and patience.

(I recommend the ideas shown on the Dax threads as a starting point, as I have learnt a lot about divergence from them. here again, I have adapted it for myself.)

the other concern is by sticking to one technique and improving it, you run the risk of grail-hunting, and potentially losing flexibility (knowing when NOT to use it, and try something else.)

but I think, overall, its a good idea.

PS: you will be inundated by newbies asking "what do I do if it does this, or that", or "is this a good signal? should I trade it?", which will test your good intentions.
how about this! just a variation on "options" stochs idea.
I find the 5-RSI more reactive, and the divergence more pronounced.
for a short:
I wait for the RSI-5 to hit the highs, over 80, and then look for BOTH a lower high on the RSI AND lower-high on the PRICE as well. (so I am not predicting, just getting confirmation)
and if it goes over the blue-line and "hooks back over" , all the better.
reverse for longs.

settings: RSI-5, and EMA-10 on the RSI (blue line) (forget the upper stochs window. thats my "stochs Jimmer" thing, using it as a comparative.)
I am still testing this, so is a work in progress. (I am testing on DAX and SPX)


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I'm really happy for you.

But wouldn't it be nice & personally rewarding to contribute a little & let newbies gain valuable insight?


I have in the past contributed considerably more than probably 99% of the other members of T2W in helping all levels to improve their trading in both strategies and other aspects. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to do so now days in a way that would give justice to it.

But wouldn't it be nice & personally rewarding to contribute a little & let newbies gain valuable insight?
Erm...JT, you're going about it totally the wrong way IMLTHO. Trader333 has been one of the most helpful members of this site for longer than most have been on this site. But there's help and there's help…

As Zupcon and Trendie have hinted at, those that don't have a clue have little to offer and those that do aren't likely to go to the trouble of outlining their strategy in sufficient detail for the world and his wife to comprehend effectively enough to trade it even if they were willing for you to do so. Why? Because they know it’s a waste of time because you wouldn’t and then you come back and give them caca for giving you a caca system.

It’s not a case of anyone being secretive (though many are) – just a weariness with going sown the same route which has never worked in the past. Because bods aren’t ready until they’re ready. And there’s the thing…

When you or anyone else gets to the stage when they’re ready to understand another piece of the puzzle, it’ll come to you – not directly or overtly – but as a consequence, almost a ‘between the lines’ thing that has been there the whole time, but you weren’t tuned in or clued up or ready to receive enough to see it before. I don’t think there’s a short cut.
Erm...JT, you're going about it totally the wrong way IMLTHO. Trader333 has been one of the most helpful members of this site for longer than most have been on this site. But there's help and there's help…

I think anyone with quarter decent perception skills will realise i have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong AT ALL. I have no idea where you have got that idea from :confused: :eek: . Relax brother!
The most useful and indirectly collaborative thing you could do right now is go back and start reading all the posts by the quality posters. It’s all there. Many times over. Any small subset of which is likely enough going to give you what you’re looking for.

There was another new trader posting on another thread (now sadly gone off into lala land probably never to recover LOL) looking for an edge and although he hedged his question differently his intent was clear to those that had the wit to see it. Everyone new to trading it seems goes through the phase of imaging there is such a thing as a permanent edge and all they need is to get it – form someone else.

The only edges worth having are those that you define. Sure some will last longer than others, but none last forever. And you absolutely build your edge from what you do and know and what others are doing and having success with and experiencing failure with. Surely that’s collaborative enough?

But it is the process of edge determination that is key to your success, not simply having one.
I think anyone with quarter decent perception skills will realise i have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong AT ALL. I have no idea where you have got that idea from :confused: :eek: . Relax brother!
Thanks for the bad rep JT! LOL.

I hope you find others to collaborate with. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the bad rep JT! LOL.

I hope you find others to collaborate with. :rolleyes:

Well if we're going to make it public -
No problem. I "disapproved" of your post for a reason - which i explained in the comment. Consider it constructive feedback, just like when i HAVE given you "approve" comments in the past.
Your "bad rep" to me was merely tit for tat, as you didn't give a valid reason, or even just a reason, for why you disapproved of the post in question.

Congratulations - you ARE derailing the thread!
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Maybe for the reasons mentioned, by everyone, this thread will not produce anything super. I was aware of that B4 i posted it. However, this does not have to be the case. We will see....

PS. Can people stop posting in order to ONLY add comments like - i will not be contributing as i already have one. - :eek:
this thread is a waste of time because. - :eek:
If you don't want to take part in this thread, by contributing to such a strategy, PLEASE :) do not clutter & de-rail it, & in the process spoil it for those that may want to gain something from it!
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As i see it market conditions are either -

Trending or consolidating.

Most strategies that i see posted elsewhere are designed to profit from one of these conditions, but rarely both. Because of this, when adverse conditions arise, drawdown kicks in, & the strategy has to withstand a series of losses.

A trend following strategy may look to enter a trade at the start of the trend.
Or, a trend following strategy may look to enter following a pullback to the trend - i.e. buying dips in the trend, & selling peaks in the trend.

Strategies designed to profit from a range/consolidation may look to go long low, & short high, based on something like RSI or MACD extreme values.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a strategy that captured more than one type of price activity? eg. Both pullbacks to trends, and continuations from the trend following the pullback to the trend.

I'm really happy for you.

But wouldn't it be nice & personally rewarding to contribute a little & let newbies gain valuable insight?


No, sorry, I don't agree with that. I pointed this out to CYOF months ago when he was bottom fishing. No one is going to give profitable systems away on a forum. It does not make sense.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a strategy that captured more than one type of price activity? eg. Both pullbacks to trends, and continuations from the trend following the pullback to the trend.


Yes JT it would be loverly.

Don't be put off by anybody. Just think of Einstein, Galileo, Heisenberg, Jenner, and all those other great minds that had a dream.

Unfortunately I think they were pretty much on their own. That's the curse of being a visionary I reckon.
No, sorry, I don't agree with that. I pointed this out to CYOF months ago when he was bottom fishing. No one is going to give profitable systems away on a forum. It does not make sense.


I think the other point to mention here is that there does seem to be the perception that there are these wonderful profitable systems out there that can be learned. Personally I'm not going to go through the pain of describing how I trade because my system isn't perfect and relies on my own judgment to override any rules I trade. This is important because it stops big losses and sometimes I trade completely opposite to my system when I can see it is wrong or if I'm looking to profit from obvious short-term opportunities. This is something I've gained from experience which I can't teach in a forum.