The Reviews Section

badd boi

It would be a great help for newbies like me if everyone logged their opinions on the REVIEWS section of this website.
Maybe it should be done as a matter of course every few months to give people a feel for what is useful in their trading.
I need help as a complete beginner, but don't want to have to repeat the same questions asked previously, by someone else.
If I could see what you guys were using / recommending then I could take it from there, and ask more pertinent questions.
If more people gave feedback to the site, then less beginners question might be asked.
Hope you agree.

Badd 😎
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I believe there are moves afoot to provide newbies (and seniors alike!) with a solid knowledge-base that is clearly accessible and identifiable within the forum structure.
Has Member of the Month been axed ? only I dont see anything about it this month.

Hi Paul,

It's not been officially axed, but the link dropped off when Itweaked the post template - and then I decided to keep it down for a few weeks while I get chance to better integrate it into the site. So it should be back up and running next week, and all the existing nominations and votes will carry over.
That sounds very interesting.
Do you know any more - can you elaborate?
Seems just what is needed.


"I believe there are moves afoot to provide newbies (and seniors alike!) with a solid knowledge-base that is clearly accessible and identifiable within the forum structure"
Hi Badd boi,

TheBramble is referring to our new initiative to create trading guides across all topics of trading. For more info, please see this thread:

All the same, it would be great to get more reviews from members, it provides a simple but effective that helps gives guidance as what you should be looking at, and what to avoid.

I'm constantly adding new products and services to the reviews section, some my own, others suggested by members - in particular the new book reviews section could potentially be very useful but we still only have a couple of reviews since launching it.

We're also intending to upgrade the reviews section so that members can edit their reviews once posted, and the quality of the section is generally increased, with more detailed information about the product or service.
Review Section

Thanks Sharky for all the info. on the T2W GUIDES .

TheBramble is referring to our new initiative to create trading guides across all topics of trading. For more info, please see this thread:

It looks like a great idea, I hope users will support it and contribute to its success.
My only reservation is exactly that; how to encourage users to contribute and offer feedback.
I would even go as far a making it a must that upon joining user's agree to post to places like the REVIEWS section after a number of months or sooner if they are experienced traders. To give inexperienced users an idea of what works and what does not, what to try and more importantly what to avoid.
This can only enhance what is as every body say's a BRILLIANT site.

Badd 😎
Thanks badd boi. It's always motivating to hear praise about the site, and what we're trying to achieve with it.

It would be great to think up ways of getting more users to contribute reviews, although I'm not sure that insisting that they do so is necessarily the way to go. I think it's important to:

a) Increase awareness about the reviews section of the site. This can come in many ways, from featuring new reviews on the front page, to making it easy to navigate to them from various different parts of the site. Also it would be nice to tie in the reviews better with the forums, so for example perhaps members can be directed to the reviews section from the new T2W guides. Finally another idea is to use site popups to encourage participation - for example the first time you visit the site in a day, you could be prompted to share your views in the reviews section - or even update their profile, or participate in a questionnaire.

b) Improve the usability and general usefulness of the reviews section. This will be achieved by improving the general presentation of the reviews section and providing actual information about the product or service being reviewed (it would for example be nice to have screenshots of software and magazines, photos of seminar presenters, and markets covered, typical spreads of brokers etc).

c) Put into place measures to reduce the possibility that the reviews may be manipulated by interested parties - for example by insisting that the reviews has posted x posts in the forum before they can add a review.

As you can see there are a number of ways we can help encourage more participation. And the more people that participate, the more likely other people will too.
Sharky & badd boi

I agree and hope in my capacity of Software and data Feeds Guide editor to encourage good links with the reviews section.

I think that is essential to put up some visual evidence/samples of how the software and datafeeds ionterfaces look and where possible how they are used.

This may require access o the programs concerned either ditrectly or through members contributions. Perhaps Paul could exert some persuasion on owners in this direction.

It is not in my opinion a matter of advertising but enabling transparency to facilitate potential and existingusers to make a more nformed choice or make better use of what they already have.
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Yes I agree entirely.
I would not wish too make it mandatory that users do these things, but a carefully worded suggestion would do no harm.
Though on reflection encouragement is the the better course.
If I had my way I'd whip the lot of them - me included! Mmm.Hee.Hee.
You have some great ideas Sharky.
I think that all we users & members owe you, Rognvald and the guys a round of applause for the dedication and hard work given to this site.
I have only browsed a fraction of what is on offer, but each time I do I discover more and more - it just gets better and better.
As an newbie I'd say without hesitation it's the best there is bar none.
