Hi folks,
You are probably aware that I am trading the FTSE futures using IB and a little Java app to fully automate the process. This has been sucessfull so far, gaining 65 points net last week for example (a minor bug cost me a futher 21 by reversing a trade when it shouldn't have 😱 )
However as yet I haven't catered for spikes that go against an open trade.
I do use limit orders to enter trades to protect myself, but feel I'm at risk with my disaster stop. i.e. if the price moves x points against my position enter a market order to get out quick. If the market move is real then fine I can take it on the chin, but from time to time we get false spikes.
The question really is are these spikes real? Would I likely get an undesirable fill if I entered a market order on one? How long do they tend to last? Anyone have any time and sales data from one?
The hope is I can write some sort of defence mechanism, whether it be a time filter or other method (could leave me open to real disasters then 😕
Any thoughts much appreciated.
You are probably aware that I am trading the FTSE futures using IB and a little Java app to fully automate the process. This has been sucessfull so far, gaining 65 points net last week for example (a minor bug cost me a futher 21 by reversing a trade when it shouldn't have 😱 )
However as yet I haven't catered for spikes that go against an open trade.
I do use limit orders to enter trades to protect myself, but feel I'm at risk with my disaster stop. i.e. if the price moves x points against my position enter a market order to get out quick. If the market move is real then fine I can take it on the chin, but from time to time we get false spikes.
The question really is are these spikes real? Would I likely get an undesirable fill if I entered a market order on one? How long do they tend to last? Anyone have any time and sales data from one?
The hope is I can write some sort of defence mechanism, whether it be a time filter or other method (could leave me open to real disasters then 😕
Any thoughts much appreciated.