The methodology's of a mad man"


Active member
So you call your self a trader. Day in and day out seeking a return on a market that's never stable. Week after week you run through chart after chart seeking you what you would call the proper way. But is there a proper way. Even still, system after system you fly through; digging for something to call your own. A way, a way that says this is a goal to go by. but what is it that your actually doing. foreseeing a market that you desperately want to call your own? Disasters are bound to reap them selves; yet you push on gleaming to make a call. the lure of money atracts and scuwers all sense and concern for stability. The life you say, "i want to live the life"; so you throw out all hopes of a sound mind and go with the wind. I know this way; It's Know as THE TRUE METHODOLOGY'S OF A MAD MAN. A wise man once said, "A Man never know's where he's going, He just knows what happens when he gets there". Engulfed in A world, leaving nothing but room for errors.. so is this where your at friend,on a chopping block of inconsistancies AND errors, garanteed to repeat them selves. IT'S THE SOUND METHODOLGY'S OF A MAD MAN.
So have you found your self here my friend; at/on a stage where nothing is foreseen. Then my friend, its simply put as this your a TRADER.(y):cool:
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That’s a bit steep and dramatic for a Sunday night my friend.
Whatever you do don’t cut your wrists or hang yourself from the shower rail. :p
reread the post. a friend got me thinking..So I droped this thread with my concern and views of the markets.. its Wisdom for The Young,,Knowledge for The Old, and Relief for a Man on His Last leg.. :)
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reread the post. a friend got me thinking..So I droped this thread with my concern and views of the markets.. its Wisdom for The Young,,Knowledge for The Old, and Relief for a Man on His Last leg.. :)

I have read it 3 times and its still deep :)
So you call your self a trader. Day in and day out seeking a return on a market that's never stable. Week after week you run through chart after chart seeking you what you would call the proper way. But is there a proper way. system after system you fly through; digging for something to call your own. A way, a way that says this is a goal to go by. but what is it that your actually doing. forseeing a market that you desperately want to call your own? But disasters are bound to reap them selves; yet you push on gleaming to make a call. the lure of money atracts and scuwers all sense and concern for stability. The life you say, "i want to live the life"; so you throw out all hopes of a sound mind and go with the wind. I know this way; It's Know as THE METHODOLOGY'S OF A MAD MAN. A wise man once said, "A Man never know's where he's going, He just knows what happens when he gets there". Engulfed in A world, leaving nothing but room for errors.. so this is where you at ,on a chopping block of inconsistancies AND errors, garanteed to repeat them selves. IT'S THE SOUND METHODOLGY'S OF A MAD MAN.
So have you found your self here my friend; at a stage where nothing is forseen. Then my friendly, simply put as this your a TRADER.(y):cool:

Very poetic, I like all creative expressions of what we go through as traders... I believe this has elements of proper mindset when trading.. you never know what the market will do. A humble mind (the acceptance of the fact that you WILL make many mistakes) is necessary.

I think that when one looks at the overall failure rate of traders, they MUST be a MADMAN just to get involved with this market! However, once the initial interpretation of chaos dissipates and you begin to lock in to the rhythm of the market, you start to find a methodology that suits you..

You may have the methodology of a madman, but what is important is that you have a methodology...

great post, i think you have gotten to the core of the initial mindset, once a trader realizes it isnt going to be as easy as they first thought, and now it is time to get to work!
My view exactly..becoming a good trader is seeing this. know the markets can collaspe and spike at anytime. the goal is to postions you self capatalise off this in every trade.

pending orders and a stoploss loss. makes all the differance

Very poetic, I like all creative expressions of what we go through as traders... I believe this has elements of proper mindset when trading.. you never know what the market will do. A humble mind (the acceptance of the fact that you WILL make many mistakes) is necessary.

I think that when one looks at the overall failure rate of traders, they MUST be a MADMAN just to get involved with this market! However, once the initial interpretation of chaos dissipates and you begin to lock in to the rhythm of the market, you start to find a methodology that suits you..

You may have the methodology of a madman, but what is important is that you have a methodology...

great post, i think you have gotten to the core of the initial mindset, once a trader realizes it isnt going to be as easy as they first thought, and now it is time to get to work!
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Considering all the fun threads going on right now we must all be bored. I don't turn madman until NYSE opens Monday morning, and hopefully I've had my coffee before that :LOL:

Discussion of madness and traders reminds me of Catch 22. The sane way to find a better life in this world is to try to make more money. Trading is worth a try. But you'd have to be mad to do that.
I think once you've got pass sod's law,$hit appen's and your own stupid mistakes you could be just about mad enough to achieve your goal...... just about though!
yes trading is a push and pull factor. if you push to hard your going to lose your way or if you dont push hard enough your going to lose all sense of time, and if you dont pull enough your going to forget what your looking for or if you pull to hard its going to bounce right back at you.... it a catch 22 with this market, you just got to stay ahead of time.. cover your mistacks and market time..