the journal w/ a cole hann


have a cookie!

It's not much of a journal if all you have is an entry short at 152.5 and then not tell us what you did with it.

have a cookie!

It's not much of a journal if all you have is an entry short at 152.5 and then not tell us what you did with it.

😆 you are one edgy ..

dude, i'm in out in out constantly, get married to a woman not any trade.

got 3 longs on NOW, i will bail on those when *I* feel that *I* got a fair price;not b4
i just want to know how you got filled 1460 points below market and which lucky bugger bought form you
for example, doesn't take a genius (or maybey yes) to short right HERE forYM a fraction of a point..or so

Short YM 14801
i don't think (i did once) think in terms of being right MACRO;now i think in terms of "where's my edge right now?"

i am no genius, i'm nothing special, i just try to make best of it;just try make $ i am very imperfect