The historical and cultural differences that divide Europe’s union


Senior member

For copyright reasons, I have not pasted the article. The author Jurgen Stark writes that German are not bad Europeans for not wanting to give fiscal boost the European economy. He states that in contrast to many Eurozone economies, Germany has responsible sought a fiscally sound economic policy. There are deep cultural differences in the "currency union" as Germans avoided excess whilst other spent into oblivion.

He believes it is not Germany wanting to dictate austerity to others. The Eurozone political elites are responsible for having their access to financial markets with their mismanagement and failure to observe the rule of law.

Neither the EU nor the Eurozone is federation and integration of rule of law to that level has not been achieved, which is why criticisms of Germany fail to account for this situation. For this reason, he believes that there is no constitutional reason Germany should "transfer payments to weaker countries". These economic problems would not be solved such an action as the cause is a moral one.

He states that the 1/3 of the entire aid to Greece by Germany has "seeped through the edifice of an often corrupt government", and; thus, the moral issue.

In conclusion, individual responsibility lies with the rest of Europe as well.