THE Fundamentals

When oil is replaced by renewables the oil kingdoms will fall flat on their faces. Their greed was their undoing in many cases.
I see that there is a new economic theory starting up. Probably dovetailing Trump's philosophy. It states that international trade is bad for a country like America. Jobs in manufacturing particularly it states, are eroded away by foreign competition. This is a complete reversal of current theory for the past 50 years.
Should Trump get elected, will he be able to put tariffs onto foreign imports ? Or will Congress block that path ? This will severely hit countries like China that export. Protectionism has been tried before but without much success. But if the foreign competition is winning hands down in almost every field then it may be the only course left as investment flees the country.
The erosion has a source. Its china. Nobody can compete with a workforce that size backed by a currency that's purposely manipulated to maintain the status quo. They are the root problems related to exports throughout the world