The Apprentice: 2019 (You're Fired)


Legendary member
The problem with having comedians host the program, is that the program degenerates into self-absorbed nonsense.
Tom Allen is funny, in his own shows, but as a presenter, he sucks.

Bring back Dara OBriain or Adrian Childes,
At least they made a genuine effort to speak to the candidates.
(last night, it took over 11 minutes before they brought on the candidate.)
Dear trendie and Tom,
You do both realise - I assume - that you've announced to the entire world that you actually watch this programme?!!!!! I have (sorry, wrong tense - had) you both down as serious intellectuals that wouldn't dream of stooping to watching cheap reality shows - let alone one that's just a spin-off from another reality show. This is a serious blow: it's gonna cost me a fortune in therapy just to come to terms with this.
I can only apologize, timsk, for besmirching my good name.
The program (The Apprentice) has become a caricature of itself.
First 2-3 series there was an innocence and naivety, and the candidates had an honesty about them.
Now, everyone has seen the programs, so its a game-playing process now.
I think the producers look for larger-than-life characters just to create contrived tension.
And the 250K is no longer the big pull it once was. 500K or a 1M would be better.

Can't help it though. Dara and Adrian gave the spin-off some value, but its rather "nothingy" now.
I shall redeem myself by watching a period drama or some Ibsen to uplift my psyche.
Love The Apprentice.

These bods are so bad they deserve to get royally humiliated. Its like watching boy racers taking out bollards sideways.
So Lord Sugar's now in the bread business. Well, he already did well in chips......