Thank you for an interesting video lesson


I would like to thank KillPhil for taking the time to create the short video lesson linked to below. breakouts.avi

I am hoping that posting here is OK. I have created this new thread because the video doesn't specifically relate to the thread where the link was originally posted. Also, as the original thread is a quagmire of mostly meaningless ramblings, this useful video would be lost to most people.

I think it shows that you don't need any complicated strategies to make money in the markets, BUT you DO NEED knowledge and experience, so please don't watch this and think that's all there is to it as it makes it look easy. It will hopefully be clear that it is only by knowing something of the market you are watching, that you will make correct judgements and win, as opposed to making bad judgements and losing.

As I'm sure many people have already found out. A market/instrument's price can move in one of two ways. Anyone can guess which way with their eyes shut.

The secret is to guess with your eyes open!