Text Message Services For Pricing


Active member
Are there any free text message services that will send you the price of any given stock at a specified time?

All the alerts I see are for "Breaking intraday high" "Breaking 52 week low" etc etc. All I am looking for is a text message at open midday and close.

Thanks in advanced if anyone knows of such a service.🙂
There are apps that can such. Just about every finance app has widgets for stock quotes. This isn't 2005 anymore. Text messaging services are deprecated.
Agreed, in addition there are still charges from phone companies on texting which I dont much care for, so I and many others opt for free messaging services like WhatsApp, Line, WeChat, etc or simple RSS feeds. These are all great for a low effect on data plans while also keeping you fully up-to-date.
There are apps that can such. Just about every finance app has widgets for stock quotes. This isn't 2005 anymore. Text messaging services are deprecated.

None of the apps I have found have had alerts on a timing basis, they have all be action based apps (either breaking a certain level etc.)

I am choosing text messages for personal reasons. I feel I am more likely to read my text messages whereas I dismiss alerts often without digesting the information.

Again, if you know of a time based alert app that would be great, but I have yet to find one.
In spite of all the bad workmen blaming IG - they do have a good text alert service. TBH it is based on price rather than time - but why not just set an alarm and then log into IG ( or wherever) and check your prices then?

None of the apps I have found have had alerts on a timing basis, they have all be action based apps (either breaking a certain level etc.)

I am choosing text messages for personal reasons. I feel I am more likely to read my text messages whereas I dismiss alerts often without digesting the information.

Again, if you know of a time based alert app that would be great, but I have yet to find one.