Technical Trader Kewl Corner

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This thread is dedicated to those of you who like a bit of relaxation every so often ,,
I think I have to make Bernanke a member of TT to chill out a bit and act much faster in future. Hopefully he will apply to join and look at this video and learn from Chrisitina and hopefully be as pro as her

YouTube - Christina Aguilera - Infatuation Live

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Please post any more info that you find on the Swedish market Iraj - but maybe not on the N-o-T market.

Unfortunately my wife just came in to glance at me at my "trading" screen.
"Working, I see, then.................

YouTube - Sweden VS UK nightclubs


wow what a difference!!

You can always tell if your partying with scanadivian chics they look alike but I have to say they are either super hot or ugly as hell IMHO I have been to Greece and have seen them. there is no middle ground either hot as hell or ugly as could be. I think it is due to the isolation of the peoples and one other theory is that the Vikings stole all the hottest girls from all the the european land they pillaged and brang them back to norway or sweeden.

all far a british girls they are very mixed like americans. romans goths celts jutes anglos nomans mixed. its much harder to find diamonds.

great video!!

you on the beer mate🙂

my wife wants to know what d'held that noise was


packing it in for the week now Glen.

was on the beer last night and now its time for some more and pizza.

horrible afternoon tight and choppy. only consolation is i was at screen all day so the morning made up for it.

have a good w/e mate.

cheers bd.
Maybe not kewl, but a fascinating read. Some seriously dodgy business has been going on in the Australian market. Broker gives his client a Maserati as a present, Mr Fixit is a Melbourne underworld figure who shot dead a hit man, principle of the brokerage is called Mr Emini (!) .....

Opes gave Murphy a Maserati | The Australian
I mentioned during the webinar bob dylan sung a line or two about Miss analicia keys, this is the song..

you either love him or hate him, bob dylan..

i think he's great (my friends think i'm

YouTube - Bob Dylan - Thunder On The Mountain

Thunder On The Mountain... you'.ll have to youtube it
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The Dangers of Beer

This is a warning all men who frequent clubs, parties and pubs to be alert when offered a drink by any woman.

Many women use a widely available date drug called Beer.

The drug is found in liquid form and comes in bottles, cans, or from taps and large kegs. It is used by female sexual predators to ensnare their victims. A few units of Beer are sufficient to render men helpless.

After beer, men will often find themselves waking up next to horrific looking women. The memory of events will be hazy, often just a vague feeling that "something bad" occurred. Men can be swindled out of their money in a familiar scam known as "a relationship." In extreme cases, a longer term form of servitude and punishment known as "marriage."

If you fall victim to the Beer scam and the women administering it, there are male support groups. For the support group nearest you, just look up "Golf Courses" in the phone book.

For a video to see how beer works click here: