Technical Problems With Capital Spreads



Is anyone having technical problems using with an Apple Mac? I had an Apple Powerbook and it worked fine then Apple replaced that with MacBook Pro and it has been hell - Safari browser freezing, lines appearing on the charts, "markets do not match" error messages when trying to get in or out of trades... etc etc :?:

Anyone else getting this?

PS - Don't buy Apple I have had 4 replacement laptops in 18 monnths the first lasted 5 days before a fatal crash, the second one had a flickering screen and preference problems and the third replacement also had a myriad of faults that ended with.. you guessed it hard drive failure - fxxking crap. 😡


No problems here on my iMac.

as for Macs failing - erm, I fix systems for a living. Plenty more PCs fail and have problems than Apple, believe me. The same hard drives go in PCs and Macs.

EDIT: PS - I dont use Safari. Firefox superior imo.
Capital Spreads and IG Index tech problems on MacBook Pro

Hi Matt

Thanks very much for your reply. I have had to change accounts to IG Index because of error messages, lines appearing on the charts, and price delays between the charts and price boxes on Capital Spreads. With IG Index I have experienced freezing browsers and nonsense data views when resizing the home page. It didn't make any difference using Firefox on Cap Spreads and I doubt it would make any difference on IG Index.

I would expect more problems with PC's in your line of business because Apple account for such a small part of the market share - and from what I have personally experienced I am not suprised! Also the MacBook Pro uses a dual core intel chip.

I have put up with a 18 months of HELL with APPLE, four replacement laptops (see flickering screens two fatal crashes out of four laptops and prefence insatbility, crashing programs - have to pull the battery out, unstable apps preferences and I have spent dozens of hours talking to executive relations all to no avail - the Powerbook worked fine on Cap Spreads - the Macbook Pro dual cores are in my mine the biggest pile of overpriced cxxp I have ever had the misfortune of owning and I would STRONGLY RECOMMEND ANYONE WHO IS SERIOUS ABOUT TRADING TO AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS - As I stated on appledefect:

If anyone is interested in taking up meditation/enrolling in stress management classes or just prefer to waste an inordinate amount of time and money then this is the machine for you. :cheesy:
