I would have replied sooner malaguti but dragged away.
If i'm interpreting the bed and breakfast rule correctly, to comply you shouldn't trade the same share more than once in a period of 30 days. This seems to be at odds with some traders who from what i recall specialise in a single share, for example AAPL. These guys are in and out multiple times a day scalping. Also what about other platforms, fx, index trading, commodities, does the 30 day rule apply there too?
Here's a link to a post re the US equivalent called the wash sale rule
As I mentioned earlier, i've never been penalised for it, and in my circumstances it would be extremely unlikely if i sold shares in a company would I be buying them back in 30 days.
I thought it was more around the tax year end where it was really frowned upon which is when you need to be working out your capital gains and where you are selling a part of a holding rather than all; (however the link above re the US equivalent makes me think this is incorrect, but I also think the US equivalent is far more stringent than the UK ruling).
I would advise speaking to HMRC in all honesty. You don't need any particular software, you just need to be aware of this rule and when it applies
I'm pretty certain it only relates to shares. Unit trusts and ETFs are considered as shares. So if your commodity was an ETF of a commodity, such as PHAU, this is considered as shares and would apply
Now, all of this is because of one thing..you are using CFDs (or shares, but CFDs is considered the same for CGT)
if you were spreadbetting, you would have none of these issues, you realise this I hope
sorry to be vague on this bed and breakfast rule. It's not widely known and there was some time when I knew nothing of it. anyone who is in and out of apple, may well be doing it in complete ignorance of this and when it applies
I'll try and find out more. I'll PM you if I get anything.